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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Analysis and Restoration of Landslide in HuiSun Forest Experimental Station after 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake |
作者 |
馮豐隆、林鴻鵬 |
中文摘要 |
The 921 Chi-Chi earthquake caused a large area of slide in Huisun Forest Experimental Station, and the slide disturbed the function of original forest ecosystem. Multi-scale forest ecosystem management database were developed by geographic information system (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS). Slide area were interpreted with orthogonal colored aerial photos, and then we explore the spatial characteristics of slide area and land classification and draw up the recovery step in slide. The research results showed as follows: (1) To interpret the slide areas of digital colored aerial photos of Huisun Experimental Forest Station. The results showed that the slide area of digital aerial photo is 549.16 ha, which is 7.35% area of Huisun Experimental Forest Station, the number of slide area are 2,618, but there are 2057 which area are under 1ha. (2) Analysing the relationship between the river, road and slide, we found that the relationship between the slide areas, road and river are obviously. The closer to the river and road, the larger the slide areas are. (3) For developing methods of recording the slide area, we classify the slope into six classes and the soil types into five classes, then intersection calculation were used to group into five forest classes. The suggestions of community restoration were presented, also. |
英文摘要 |
The 921 Chi-Chi earthquake caused a large area of slide in Huisun Forest Experimental Station, and the slide disturbed the function of original forest ecosystem. Multi-scale forest ecosystem management database were developed by geographic information system (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS). Slide area were interpreted with orthogonal colored aerial photos, and then we explore the spatial characteristics of slide area and land classification and draw up the recovery step in slide. The research results showed as follows: (1) To interpret the slide areas of digital colored aerial photos of Huisun Experimental Forest Station. The results showed that the slide area of digital aerial photo is 549.16 ha, which is 7.35% area of Huisun Experimental Forest Station, the number of slide area are 2,618, but there are 2057 which area are under 1ha. (2) Analysing the relationship between the river, road and slide, we found that the relationship between the slide areas, road and river are obviously. The closer to the river and road, the larger the slide areas are. (3) For developing methods of recording the slide area, we classify the slope into six classes and the soil types into five classes, then intersection calculation were used to group into five forest classes. The suggestions of community restoration were presented, also. |
起訖頁 |
1-20 |
刊名 |
林業研究季刊 |
期數 |
200312 (25:4期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
關刀溪試驗地五樹種綠葉第一年的分解和養分動態變化 |