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Bombax ceiba
作者 章錦瑜
木棉在台灣栽植遍及各地,在各縣市都是相當重要的行道樹,因其開花碩大美麗,一些縣市還票選木棉為市花、市樹或縣花等,並大量種植。但近幾年來,因木棉長大,開花後之落花,以及漫天飛舞的棉絮,嚴重影響民眾呼吸、生活、與交通安全,並髒污環境,製造許多問題,而引發民怨,各縣市都有民眾一再地陳情請願,盼望主管單位重視此問題,提出解決辦法。民眾經多年長期抗爭,各縣市維護管理樹木之單位無法再輕忽此問題,在木棉未移植前,也都暫時以修剪果實、加強清掃棉絮等繁重的做法來減緩民怨,木棉成為一高維護樹種,主管單位對木棉也是不勝其煩。台中縣已決定移植現有木棉,並考慮更改縣花;高雄市也決定不再種市花木棉,重新票選市花的聲浪甚囂塵上。 Bombax ceiba trees are planted everywhere in Taiwan. It is a very important street tree in urban city of Taiwan. Its flowers are very beautiful. Some urban cities elected Bombax ceiba as the city flower. Recently Bombax ceiba has grown up to blossom and fruit, when the fruit has ripened and splitting, the kapoks fall and fly everywhere in the air. The kapoks have the bad influence on the respiration of human and the environment and the life of the people. Many people complain the problem of Bombax ceiba. Some people wish the government to transplant Bombax ceiba to other places. Most governments maintain Bombax ceiba hard. Now the governments of most cities and counties have not yet decided to transplant the Bombax ceiba yet. They just trim the fruits before splitting and clear away the kapoks. The Taichung county have decided to transplant kapoks, and considers to choose a new city flower again. The Kaohsiung city does not plant Bombax ceiba any more and maybe choose a new city flower.
Bombax ceiba trees are planted everywhere in Taiwan. It is a very important street tree in urban city of Taiwan. Its flowers are very beautiful. Some urban cities elected Bombax ceiba as the city flower. Recently Bombax ceiba has grown up to blossom and fruit, when the fruit has ripened and splitting, the kapoks fall and fly everywhere in the air. The kapoks have the bad influence on the respiration of human and the environment and the life of the people. Many people complain the problem of Bombax ceiba. Some people wish the government to transplant Bombax ceiba to other places. Most governments maintain Bombax ceiba hard. Now the governments of most cities and counties have not yet decided to transplant the Bombax ceiba yet. They just trim the fruits before splitting and clear away the kapoks. The Taichung county have decided to transplant kapoks, and considers to choose a new city flower again. The Kaohsiung city does not plant Bombax ceiba any more and maybe choose a new city flower.
起訖頁 101-114
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200303 (25:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 台灣中部森林遊樂區木屋顏色之特徵




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