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Effects of Mycorrhizal Inoculation on the Growth of Taiwan Gordonia (Gordonia axillaris) Seedlings in Two Soils
作者 顏江河林哲毅
本研究利用分離自平溪煤礦區堆置棄土及惠蓀林場大頭茶根域土之菌根孢子作為接種源,以二種土壤(惠蓀土、煤礦土),三種處理(接種惠蓀孢子、接種礦區孢子、不接種孢子)之複因子試驗設計,觀察不同處理對大頭茶形質生長及土壤中麥角固醇量之影響。二處採樣地所分離之孢子經鑑定均為Glomus constrictum Trappe,大頭茶苗木經接種60 粒G. constrictum 孢子後,苗木生長(高生長、地際直徑)及乾重(地下部、莖部、葉部)在不同土壤及不同孢子處理皆呈顯著差異,以煤礦區堆置棄土接種礦區孢子之大頭茶生長為最佳、接種惠蓀孢子者次之,對照組最低。土壤處理中,以生長在煤礦區堆置棄土處理之大頭茶較惠蓀土處理者為佳。試驗用土經接種處理後較未接種處理及栽植前之pH 值分別增加0.1~0.3、0.3~0.5 個單位,顯示土壤之pH 值會因苗木生長而有改變。在煤礦區堆置棄土中之麥角固醇可能因pH 值過低而無法測出,但在惠蓀土壤中則接種處理者其麥角固醇量皆高於未接種處理者。 The purposes of this study were to observe the effects of mycorrhizal inoculation on the Taiwan gordonia seedlings growth and soil ergosterol concentration treated with different soils and inoculation. Mycorrhizal spores were isolated from Pin-Shi coal mine spoils and Hue-Sun Forest Station. Experiment was conducted with factorial design, by using two soil (coal mine spoils, Hue-Sun soil) and three treatments (spores from coal mine spoils, spores from Hue-Sun soil, uninoculated). Indigenous spores Glomus constrictum Trappe from both two soils were identified. After inoculated with sixty spores, Taiwan gordonia seedlings growth (high and stem diameter) and biomass production (root, stem and leaf) showed significant difference between each treatment. Seedlings grown on coal mine spoils were significantly better than those on Hue-Sun soil. Among all treatments, the seedlings grown on coal mine spoils inoculated with coal mine spores had best performance. The soil pH increased 0.3-0.5 and 0.1-0.3 value, cause by mycorrhizal inoculation or uninoculaton, respectively. It showed that soil pH was change by seedlings growth. Ergosterol concentration couldn't be detected in coal mine spoils, probably due to the pH lower than 4.0. On the contrary, with mycorrhizal inoculation in Hue-Sun soil the ergosterol concentrations were higher than those uninoculated.
The purposes of this study were to observe the effects of mycorrhizal inoculation on the Taiwan gordonia seedlings growth and soil ergosterol concentration treated with different soils and inoculation. Mycorrhizal spores were isolated from Pin-Shi coal mine spoils and Hue-Sun Forest Station. Experiment was conducted with factorial design, by using two soil (coal mine spoils, Hue-Sun soil) and three treatments (spores from coal mine spoils, spores from Hue-Sun soil, uninoculated). Indigenous spores Glomus constrictum Trappe from both two soils were identified. After inoculated with sixty spores, Taiwan gordonia seedlings growth (high and stem diameter) and biomass production (root, stem and leaf) showed significant difference between each treatment. Seedlings grown on coal mine spoils were significantly better than those on Hue-Sun soil. Among all treatments, the seedlings grown on coal mine spoils inoculated with coal mine spores had best performance. The soil pH increased 0.3-0.5 and 0.1-0.3 value, cause by mycorrhizal inoculation or uninoculaton, respectively. It showed that soil pH was change by seedlings growth. Ergosterol concentration couldn't be detected in coal mine spoils, probably due to the pH lower than 4.0. On the contrary, with mycorrhizal inoculation in Hue-Sun soil the ergosterol concentrations were higher than those uninoculated.
起訖頁 45-52
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200206 (24:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 彰化員林興賢書院木材利用及劣化調查
該期刊-下一篇 惠蓀林場三種林分枯落物養分迴歸量之季節變化




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