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Recreational Behavior of Visitors In Management Setting of Zoos
作者 楊志義李久先
本研究主要目的是探討在動物園管理情境下遊客之遊憩行為,希望從中找出決定遊客遊憩體驗品質之相關因素,以供業者在釐訂管理對策時之參考。研究方法採用營業場所之問卷調查,訪談對象為台北市立動物園遊客,調查資料除剖析觀測者特質外並進行各管理對策變項分析,結果顯示:(1)動物園遊客主要為兩個年齡層區隔市場,分別是30~40 歲小家庭成員及17~24 歲結伴之青年學子,收入偏低,重遊意願及重遊比例均偏高;(2)多數(78 %)遊客選擇半日遊行程,常停留據點依次為夜行館、可愛動物區、非洲區;(3)遊客對於園方服務管理品質反應為滿意(評級3.41),資源管理與發展設施方面反應稍低(評級3.16),整體遊憩體驗品質反應達尚可水準(評級3.22);(4)影響動物園遊客前往次數之管理因子,包括軟體服務與管理及硬體之設施發展,而影響當年前往次數之決定因子有遊憩設施供給(台灣動物區、沙漠區、澳洲區)及服務品質與各項設施規劃發展;(5)遊憩行為與管理情境兩因子交叉分析結果,顯示設施發展良窳明顯影響遊客行為及態度(停留時間)。 The purposes are to investigate visitors' behavior in management settings of zoological park and to find management practices which can influence visitors' recreational experiences. Business surveys have been conducted by interviewing visitors at the exit in Taipei City Zoo. The findings based on the cross analyses of the surveying results are as follow: (1) The majority of visitors belong to two categories: small families with parents aged 30~40 years old and youngsters with companions aged 17~24 years old who are mostly school students. Their common features are relatively lower incomes and strong desire to re-visit this zoo. (2) 78 % of visitors participated in half-day excursion and stayed at night-activity hall, lovely animal preserve and the African area. (3) Three evaluation rating scores were obtained from visitors: 3.41(satisfactory) for the quality of services, 3.16 (pending to improve) on resources management, and 3.22 (acceptable) on visitors' recreational experiences. (4) The influential factors which decide the number of visits of Taipei City Zoo for each visitor include: desire for the re-visit and zoo's management of services provided to visitors on both hardware and software. The facility planning and development such as the recreational facilities partitioning Taiwan animal, desert animal and Australian animal, are also important factors. (5) The facility development obviously creates a management setting which influences visitors’ behavior and length-of-stay.
The purposes are to investigate visitors' behavior in management settings of zoological park and to find management practices which can influence visitors' recreational experiences. Business surveys have been conducted by interviewing visitors at the exit in Taipei City Zoo. The findings based on the cross analyses of the surveying results are as follow: (1) The majority of visitors belong to two categories: small families with parents aged 30~40 years old and youngsters with companions aged 17~24 years old who are mostly school students. Their common features are relatively lower incomes and strong desire to re-visit this zoo. (2) 78 % of visitors participated in half-day excursion and stayed at night-activity hall, lovely animal preserve and the African area. (3) Three evaluation rating scores were obtained from visitors: 3.41(satisfactory) for the quality of services, 3.16 (pending to improve) on resources management, and 3.22 (acceptable) on visitors' recreational experiences. (4) The influential factors which decide the number of visits of Taipei City Zoo for each visitor include: desire for the re-visit and zoo's management of services provided to visitors on both hardware and software. The facility planning and development such as the recreational facilities partitioning Taiwan animal, desert animal and Australian animal, are also important factors. (5) The facility development obviously creates a management setting which influences visitors’ behavior and length-of-stay.
起訖頁 47-57
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200203 (24:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 酸雨及鹽分危害之風化材保存特性
該期刊-下一篇 非破壞性檢測方法評估預設缺點對杉木粒片板性質之影響




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