中文摘要 |
在關刀溪森林生態系的4 處崩塌地與2 處火燒地分別設置樣區,並分別在其鄰近未受干擾林地設置對照樣區,調查記錄蕨類植物的小苗組成,並取土進行土壤孢子庫的調查研究。在干擾地及其對照樣區共記錄到10 科15種390 株蕨類小苗,其出現之優勢種彼此頗有差異。由取土發芽試驗結果,共發現11 科21種6,120 株蕨類植物,以栗蕨、烏毛蕨、粉葉蕨、筆筒樹等陽性物種數量最多,共占75%。由此可知本干擾地之土壤孢子庫共有16 科31種的蕨類植物(詳見附錄)。崩塌地土壤孢子庫的組成分子與其周圍生長種類有相關,可認為是表土層崩落後由周圍物種的成熟孢子散播而來。松風山火燒後新萌發的蘇鐵蕨新葉有著生孢子囊群的高達87%,可見火燒有促進其產生孢子的效應。不同的干擾因素會影響棲地的土壤孢子庫,隨之左右其更新演替植群的組成。
The soil spore banks of the pteridophytes at four landslide sites and two burned sites in Guandaushi forest ecosystem were studied. 390 plants belonging to 10 families and 15 species were found in different plots. Employing the germinating test of sampled soils from the above sites, 6,120 individuals belonging to 11 families and 21 species are recorded. The pteridophyte composition of soil spore bank were dominated by the shade intolerant species of Histiopteris incisa, Blechnum orientale, Pityrogramma calomelanos, and Sphaeropteris lepifera are dorminant in occurrence and their quantity are 75% in total. The components of soil spore bank in landslide sites are related to the dispersion of spores from the surrounding pteridophytes. There are 31 species belonging to the 16 families of the pteridophytes to be found in the disturbed sites listed in appendix. Brainea insignis is fire-adapted species. After the fire, 87% of the new fronds were induced to grow the sori. The different disturbed sites occur their soil spore banks and influence their vegetation succession. |
英文摘要 |
The soil spore banks of the pteridophytes at four landslide sites and two burned sites in Guandaushi forest ecosystem were studied. 390 plants belonging to 10 families and 15 species were found in different plots. Employing the germinating test of sampled soils from the above sites, 6,120 individuals belonging to 11 families and 21 species are recorded. The pteridophyte composition of soil spore bank were dominated by the shade intolerant species of Histiopteris incisa, Blechnum orientale, Pityrogramma calomelanos, and Sphaeropteris lepifera are dorminant in occurrence and their quantity are 75% in total. The components of soil spore bank in landslide sites are related to the dispersion of spores from the surrounding pteridophytes. There are 31 species belonging to the 16 families of the pteridophytes to be found in the disturbed sites listed in appendix. Brainea insignis is fire-adapted species. After the fire, 87% of the new fronds were induced to grow the sori. The different disturbed sites occur their soil spore banks and influence their vegetation succession. |