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Cutting Propagation of Cinnamomum osmophloeum Distributed at Yu-li District
作者 林鴻忠廖天賜
土肉桂(Cinnamomum osmophloeum)係台灣原生樟科特有樹種,由於採種困難使得種子苗之培養受限,為保存種原基因及提昇森林植群之歧異度,針對轄區內之種原進行扦插育苗技術的開發,期能量產扦插苗,供森林生態系經營之用。試驗材料採自秀姑巒事業區第29 林班及玉里事業區第14 林班約10 年生母樹,發根促進使用愛根生發根劑、液態肥施達B1 及不施用為對照等三種處理,試驗結果顯示:本地區之土肉桂種原可利用扦插繁殖,插穗之發根成活甚為容易,不需利用生長激素或營養劑之促進,但應避開低溫時期;扦插繁殖需要用乾淨之人工介質,且在溫暖濕潤又通風的環境中培養。 Cinnamomum osmophloeum is a native tree species of Taiwan. It is hard to collect seeds for cultivating seedlings. To conserve the germ plasm of the tree species distributed at Yu-Li district, a method of cutting propagation was studied. The project is aimed to preserve gene and to increase vegetative diversity for local district. The branches of 10-year old trees as materials were collected from 29th compartment of Shiouguluan working circle and 14th compartment of Yu-Li working circle. The materials were treated with IBA and hydrate nutrient, and tested for rooting ability under intermittent spray in greenhouse. The results showed that the differences of percentage rooting were not significant among growth regulators, but highly significant among months. That is, cutting propagation of Cinnamomum osmophloeum is possible except low-temperature month. The practices of cutting propagation were executed under controlled environment such as greenhouse to maintain suitable humidity and temperature.
Cinnamomum osmophloeum is a native tree species of Taiwan. It is hard to collect seeds for cultivating seedlings. To conserve the germ plasm of the tree species distributed at Yu-Li district, a method of cutting propagation was studied. The project is aimed to preserve gene and to increase vegetative diversity for local district. The branches of 10-year old trees as materials were collected from 29th compartment of Shiouguluan working circle and 14th compartment of Yu-Li working circle. The materials were treated with IBA and hydrate nutrient, and tested for rooting ability under intermittent spray in greenhouse. The results showed that the differences of percentage rooting were not significant among growth regulators, but highly significant among months. That is, cutting propagation of Cinnamomum osmophloeum is possible except low-temperature month. The practices of cutting propagation were executed under controlled environment such as greenhouse to maintain suitable humidity and temperature.
起訖頁 7-12
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200106 (23:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣入侵植物--刺軸含羞木
該期刊-下一篇 應用消色影像分析技術評估粒片板之內聚強度




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