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Stakeholder analysis in natural resource management-In the opinion of leaders of Forest Bureau
作者 羅紹麟童秋霞
自然資源的外部性、非排他性以及使用上之不相容性等特色,不但使得經營上造成複雜,更使得經營者必須面對許多不同的利害關係人。而在日益高漲的環保意識與高度的民主社會下,政府在經營自然資源時更必須重視利害關係人之分析。傳統的方法,如成本效益分析等已無法適用於考量不同利害關係人間成本與效益的分佈,或去決定勝利者與失敗者,因為以這些方法分析的結果,通常會面臨利害關係人之反對與不合作。本研究透過利害關係人活動矩陣之分析,針對不同類型的利害關係人研礙相關的經營策略,同時也建議經營者如何依據問題的優先次序,在不同時點上對不同利害關係人採行適當的經營策略。 The characteristics of natural resources including externalities, inclusiveness and incompatibility over the use resulted in the complexity on management and forced managers to face a lot of stakeholders. The government has forced to take stakeholders into consideration when managing resources because the public pays much attention to the conservation and the society becomes highly democratic. The conventional methods such as cost-benefit analysis do not adequately consider the distribution of costs and benefits among different stakeholders, or the winners and losers. As a consequence, the fact that analyzed by these methods often fail owing to opposition or noncooperation of certain stakeholders. This study was analyzed by stakeholder action matrix and guided management in selecting the type of contact strategy to used for each group at particular points in time according to the priority in the issues.
The characteristics of natural resources including externalities, inclusiveness and incompatibility over the use resulted in the complexity on management and forced managers to face a lot of stakeholders. The government has forced to take stakeholders into consideration when managing resources because the public pays much attention to the conservation and the society becomes highly democratic. The conventional methods such as cost-benefit analysis do not adequately consider the distribution of costs and benefits among different stakeholders, or the winners and losers. As a consequence, the fact that analyzed by these methods often fail owing to opposition or noncooperation of certain stakeholders. This study was analyzed by stakeholder action matrix and guided management in selecting the type of contact strategy to used for each group at particular points in time according to the priority in the issues.
起訖頁 45-57
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200012 (22:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 台灣杉與杉木苗接種菌根菌對不同磷肥度之反應
該期刊-下一篇 遊客與森林遊樂區規劃之初步研究--以新化林場為例




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