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Feasibility Studies on Raising Freshwater Fishes from Streams in the Hui-Sun Experimental Forest
作者 李宗翰林明進
本研究之主要目的有二:首先是調查惠蓀林場中的兩條主要溪流,關刀溪與北港溪中的溪流魚類種類,其次是將捕獲的溪魚攜回研究室中蓄養,探討畜養的環境條件並評估畜養之可行性。調查結果發現在關刀溪與北港溪中的溪流魚類有九種,皆為台灣原生種,其中七種並為特有種,一種保育性魚類。由惠蓀林場帶回研究室的溪流魚類在水族缸內以循環過濾水配合人工飼料投餵,在穩定的水溫及光週期下,已能成功飼育台灣鏟頜魚、台灣石魚賓、粗首鱲、台灣馬口魚、赤斑吻蝦虎及台灣鮠等六種溪流魚類。此一研究結果可供做為日後動態展示之基礎資料。 Fishes were collected from two main streams - Guandau and Beikang - in the Hui-Sun Experimental Forest. The fishes were then transported to the laboratory and tested for the feasibility of raising. A total of 9 fish species were recorded. Among them. 7 were endemic species and one of them was on the list of conservative species. The fish were kept in the aquarium with circulated water, stable photo-period (16L : 8D) and constant water temperature. Fish were fed daily on commercial pellet. Six fish species from the streams of Hui-Sun Experimental Forest were successfully raised in the aquarium. The results provide useful information on raising the fish for exhibition of freshwater fish in the Hui-Sun Forest Recreation Area.
Fishes were collected from two main streams - Guandau and Beikang - in the Hui-Sun Experimental Forest. The fishes were then transported to the laboratory and tested for the feasibility of raising. A total of 9 fish species were recorded. Among them. 7 were endemic species and one of them was on the list of conservative species. The fish were kept in the aquarium with circulated water, stable photo-period (16L : 8D) and constant water temperature. Fish were fed daily on commercial pellet. Six fish species from the streams of Hui-Sun Experimental Forest were successfully raised in the aquarium. The results provide useful information on raising the fish for exhibition of freshwater fish in the Hui-Sun Forest Recreation Area.
起訖頁 1-6
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200006 (22:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 人為誘發紙張褐斑之探究




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