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Application of Hedonic Price Method on Evaluating Benefits of Urban Forest-A Case Study of Taichung City
作者 鄭吉延羅紹麟
本研究以台中市為研究區域,蒐集台中市1997.4-1998.6之183筆土地交易價格資料,應用特徵價格法建立特徵價格函數,選擇直線、半對數、雙邊對數及逆半對數函數型態,並進行逐步迴歸,找出最佳迴歸式,研究結果顯示:1.直線函數模式(adj-R2=0.739)相對於半對數函數模式(adj-R2=0.347)及雙邊對數(adj-R2=0.318)有較佳的模式解釋能力。而逆半對數函數模式中,環境特徵被排除。2.三種函數模式所納入之變數及其符號大致相同。其中都市林特徵變數在模式中對土地價格影響不大,公園之邊際價格(隱含價格)為1,436元/m2。 This is a case study of application of hedonic price method to evaluate the benefits of urban forest in Taichung city. 183 actual land transaction price were collected from April 1997 to June 1998 and variables of land and urban fnrcs1 features are needed for establishing hedonic price function. Linear, semi-log, double-log and inverse-log forms are chosen to estimate the coefficient of variables and stepwise regression method is used for choosing best regression form. The results show that: (a) Linear form (adj-R2 =0.739) is better than semi-log form (adj-R2 =0.347) and double-log form (adj-R2 =0.318) in estimation. Environment variables excluded in inverse-log form. (b) Variables and coefficient in these three forms are consistent. Variables of urban forest arc not significant to land transaction price. Marginal price (implicit price) of park area is NT. 1.436 /m2.
This is a case study of application of hedonic price method to evaluate the benefits of urban forest in Taichung city. 183 actual land transaction price were collected from April 1997 to June 1998 and variables of land and urban fnrcs1 features are needed for establishing hedonic price function. Linear, semi-log, double-log and inverse-log forms are chosen to estimate the coefficient of variables and stepwise regression method is used for choosing best regression form. The results show that: (a) Linear form (adj-R2 =0.739) is better than semi-log form (adj-R2 =0.347) and double-log form (adj-R2 =0.318) in estimation. Environment variables excluded in inverse-log form. (b) Variables and coefficient in these three forms are consistent. Variables of urban forest arc not significant to land transaction price. Marginal price (implicit price) of park area is NT. 1.436 /m2.
起訖頁 1-10
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200003 (22:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 光度對大葉楠及香楠形質生長的影響




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