中文摘要 |
A newly recorded species Aster turbinatus S. Moore var. turbinatus found in Matsu is reported. This species is endemic to mainland China, and distributed in Anhui, Jiangsu, Fujian, Jiangxi and Zhejiang. Matsu islands were near to Fujian, but never has been recorded before, this is the fi rst time reported this species in Matsu. Aster turbinatus S. Moore var. turbinatus is easily distinguished from other known congeners by having pseudo peduncles which are developed by the extension of compound receptacles and the bract-like apex synflorescence leaves. Photos, description and line drawings were provided for identifi cation.
本文報導馬祖地區一種新紀錄植物--陀螺紫菀(Aster turbinatus S. Moore var. turbinatus)。本種特產於中國大陸,分布安徽、江蘇、福建、江西及浙江。馬祖臨近福建,但之前未曾紀錄,本研究為首次報導。本種具假花序梗為總托延長形成,頂端的葉片苞片狀等特徵,可明顯與其他已知的紫菀屬植物區別。本文提供彩色照片、描述及線繪圖等供參考用。 |