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Study on water chemistry of Taichung Metropolitan Park
作者 呂淑瑋王秋嫻劉瓊霦
本試驗目的為瞭解臺中都會公園園區池水水源、各水池(北方人工湖、南方人工湖、上方生態池及下方生態池)及雨水之水質狀況,並針對優養化嚴重的水池進行水質參數間相關分析,以提供未來環境教育及園區經營管理參考依據。本研究於2011年4月至2011年10月,每月進行水質參數(pH、電導度、溶氧值、葉綠素a、陰離子、陽離子、溶解性有機碳(DOC)、溶解性總碳(DC)、微量金屬元素、總懸浮固體物(TSS)等調查監測。其中北方人工湖(葉綠素a:61.48 μg L-1)及南方人工湖(葉綠素a:150.80 μg L-1)皆優養化相當嚴重,將水體葉綠素a與其他水質參數進行相關性分析,發現北方人工湖之葉綠素a與DOC、DC、TSS具顯著正相關,而南方人工湖之葉綠素a與pH、溶氧值、DOC、Na+ 、Cl- 、NO2 - 、NO3 - 、TSS具有顯著正相關。此外,水體DOC與葉綠素a的回歸方程式之決定係數(R2 )為0.73,顯示DOC與葉綠素a濃度有顯著的正相關性。建議未來園區管理各座水池(特別是嚴重優養化的北方人工湖及南方人工湖)應控制水體中DOC的輸入量(遊客餵食行為之飼料及排泄物)或釋出量(底泥或泥沙之有機物釋出),以減緩水池優養化的現象。 The water chemistry (pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a, anion, cation, dissolved organic carbon, total suspended solid etc.) was monitored from April to October, 2011 in Taichung Metropolitan Park. We analyzed the relationships among parameters of water chemistry in the eutrophical ponds to provide information for manager guidelines and environmental education. The chlorophyll a concentration at the north and south ponds were 61.48 and 150.80 μg L-1, respectively. Chlorophyll a concentration was signifi cantly positive correlation with dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved carbon (DC), total suspended solid (TSS) in the north pond. On the other hand, pH, dissolved oxygen, DOC, Na+ , Cl- , NO2 - , NO3 - and TSS were significantly positive correlation with chlorophyll a concentration in the south pond. Otherwise, R2 was 0.73 between the chlorophyll a concentration and DOC in the four ponds, indicating the eutrophication resulting from DOC. Therefore, the managers should control the DOC input from breeding behavior or liberation from mud in the ponds to reduce eutrophication.
起訖頁 227-237
關鍵詞 臺中都會公園水化學優養化葉綠素a溶解性有機碳Taichung Metropolitan ParkWater chemistryEutrophicationChlorophyll aDissolved organic carbon (DOC)
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201409 (36:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 含液化木質素水性PU樹脂之膠合及塗裝性能




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