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Gibasis pellucida (Martens & Galeotti) D.R. Hunt (Commelinaceae), A Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan
作者 趙建棣 (Chien-Ti Chao)黃郁嵐劉思謙曾彥學 (Yen-Hsueh Tseng)
Commelinaceae is a monocot family mainly distributed in tropical and temperate region. Several naturalized species were recorded in Taiwan these years. Recently we found a newly naturalized species-Gibasis pellucida (Martens & Galeotti) D.R. Hunt in Northern Taiwan. This species was native to Mexico, and introduced as ornamental plant in many countries. This is a newly naturalized species and genus for Flora of Taiwan. Line drawing, photos and distribution map were provided in this study. Finally, we revised naturalized species of Commelinaceae in Taiwan, the naturalization of them were related to ornamental activity, some species had set up large population already, especially the Tradescantia species. Thus we need pay more attention to these potentially invasive plants. 鴨跖草科為熱帶常見的單子葉草本植物,之前多位學者已相繼報導數種本科的馴化植物。最近作者等又於臺灣北部發現一種新馴化植物,經查為原產於墨西哥之細梗鴨跖草。本種為一園藝觀賞植物,無性繁殖容易且適應力強,推測是人為引進而逸出於野外。根據這幾年野外的調查發現其野外族群數量有穩定成長,未來動態值得注意。對台灣的植物誌而言,細梗鴨跖草屬與細梗鴨跖草均為本島的新記錄。
起訖頁 77-84
關鍵詞 鴨跖草科細梗鴨跖草馴化植物臺灣Gibasis pellucidaCommelinaceaenaturalized plantTaiwan
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201406 (36:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 惠蓀林場土壤種子庫組成




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