中文摘要 |
A newly naturalized plant, Neptunia plena (L.) Benth. (Leguminosae), native to America and Asia, has recently been found in low elevations of southern Taiwan. Neptunia plena differs from the other Taiwanese Neptunia spp. in erect stem, bracts on the lower half of the peduncle and with a suppressed gland between or just below the lowest pair of pinnae. A detailed description, line-drawings, photographs and geographic distribution are provided for identification of this species.
本文記錄一種臺灣新歸化豆科植物直立水含羞草(Neptunia plena(L.) Benth.),原產於美洲及亞洲,最近被發現歸化於臺灣南部低海拔地區。它與臺灣同屬其他植物主要的差異在於莖直立、花梗下方具苞片及最下方羽片著生處具有腺體。本文描述其形態特徵、地理分佈及生育地環境,並提供彩色圖片與線畫圖以資辨識。 |