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A Study of Operation Model on Community Participation for Forest Ecotourism
作者 黃昭通羅紹麟
本研究目的主要在於建構社區參與森林生態旅遊之操作模式,以生態旅遊作為核心概念,探討社區參與森林生態旅遊發展之相關課題,包括資源管理者及森林遊樂區周邊社區對生態旅遊基本概念之瞭解程度;目前推動生態旅遊之作為與現況;發展生態旅遊對社區影響之認知;社區參與生態旅遊之內外在阻礙因素等。本研究採用質化與量化研究方法。在質化研究部分,針對資源管理者(林務局及各林區管理處育樂組、育樂課主管人員等共11位)進行深度訪談,探究公部門發展生態旅遊之現況,歸納出對社區參與發展生態旅遊之潛力與限制因素,據以研擬社區居民問卷;在量化研究方面,本研究選定大雪山森林遊樂區周邊之大雪山社區及奧萬大森林遊樂區周邊之親愛社區作為研究地點,並針對社區居民進行問卷調查,以瞭解社區居民對生態旅遊基本概念及發展生態旅遊之相關認知,並獲得有效問卷425份。綜合質化與量化的研究分析結果,歸納出社區參與之內部阻礙因素共18項,社區參與之外部阻礙因素共15項,在量化分析部分,經單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析結果顯示,以大雪山社區在生態旅遊發展之各項構面較為成熟。 The purpose of this study is to construct the operation model of the community participation in forest ecotourism, Ecotourism as a key concept to discuss the related issues of community participation in forest ecotourism, including the comprehension of basic ecotourism concept of the resource manager and peripheral community of forest recreation area; the promotion and situation of ecotourism currently; the influence of community cognition about the development of ecotourism; the internal and external clog factors of community participating ecotourism (CPE). This research adopts the qualitative and quantitative approach. In qualitative approach, the resource administrator was invited for in-depth interview to explor the government developing the ecotourism and conclude the latent and limit factors of CPE, and then to design the questionnaire of the residents. In quantitative approach, the Da Xue Shan community near the Da Xue Shan forest recreation area and Qin Ai community near Aowanda forest recreation area were choosed for study area. Through the residents' questionnaire, the community residents' basic concept and developing cognition of ecotourism will be understand. The 425 effective questionnaires were obtained. To synthesize the qualitative research results, there are 18 items of internal barrier factors and 15 items of external barrier factors, while on quantitative research, through one-way analysis of variance and regression analysis, the Da Xue Shan community is more mature on developing ecotourism than Qin Ai community.
起訖頁 59-70
關鍵詞 生態旅遊社區參與生態旅遊EcotourismCommunity participation ecotourism (CPE)
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201303 (35:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 國小學童對香草香味偏好之研究




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