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Heavy metal pollution in coast matrix of Hsinchu
作者 劉靜榆 (Ching-Yu Liu)
為瞭解新竹海岸重金屬污染情形,本研究針對新竹縣與新竹市海岸基質進行採樣,先按河流出口及地理位置分為15段海岸,再依海岸潮間帶寬度及微棲地差異設置採樣站,共65站。採樣工作於2012-2015年進行分年重複採樣,取得之海岸基質樣本包括生物礁、沙泥、礫石、爐石等。各樣本以X-射線螢光光譜儀進行32種重金屬濃度測定,共507個樣本資料進入分析。以定量數據計算樣站間之差異,依據主成分分析之分布序列圖及群團分析樹狀圖的結果概分為六群,第一、二、三群的元素數值都顯著高於先前調查之臺南、苗栗、新竹市、桃園及北海岸的資料。第一群元素銅、鋅、鉛、錫、鎳、鐵、錳、砷、鉬、鎘、銀的數值因鳳鼻段(Area D)的極端偏高,壓縮了其他海岸段所呈現的變化。特別是採自散落至海灘之太空包護岸填方的D4採樣站,採樣站內及年度間的差異不顯著。另外D3採樣站為爐石堤,除第一群的元素外,第三群鉻、鎢元素的數值也異常高。第四群元素鋇、鈀、銻、碲、銫,在坡頭段A5藻礁區採樣站的濃度最大值已經高於D3、D4。第六群鈦、銣、鉀在客雅、美山及大庄段海岸較高,因這些元素在太空包或爐石濃度較低,而呈現其他海岸段的變化趨勢。本研究證明若以太空包填充有毒廢棄物,再以太空包做為新竹沿岸垃圾掩埋場的臨時護岸堤,又放置於波浪可襲擊處,外露之沙土勢必造成海岸污染,透過生物吸收累積,鄰近藻礁區及石滬區的牡蠣殼都可檢出異常值。 In order to reveal the heavy metal pollution along the coast of Hsinchu, the coast substrata of Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City were sampled and examined by the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer between 2012 and 2015. Fifteen sections and sixty-five stations were established based on geographical characteristics, including biotic reefs, sand, mud, gravel, and hearthstones along the coast. Analysis of thirty-two species of heavy metals using principal component analysis and clustering showed six distinct groups. Elemental values of the first, second, and third groups were significantly higher than the values recorded from other sites in Taiwan. The concentration of heavy metal species, including copper, zinc, lead, tin, nickel, iron, manganese, arsenic, molybdenum, cadmium and silver, were extremely high in the group 1 at the Feng-bi section (Area D). This extremely high value has caused insignificant difference of heavy metal species among stations and among years, particularly at the station D4 where the bulk bags of embankment were deposited for temporal shoreline protection. At the station D3, high concentration of chromium and tungsten was detected due to the deposition of hearthstone. The maximum concentration of heavy metal species in the fourth group, including barium, palladium, antimony, tellurium and cesium, at the algae reef (A5 of the Po-Tou section), were significantly higher than those of D3 and D4. The titanium, rubidium, potassium, of the group 6 were higher in the Ke-ya (Area H), Ta-chuang (Area J) and Mae-shan (Area K) than those of other sections, probably due to low concentration of these species in the bulk bags or hearthstone. This study demonstrated that the toxic waste leaked from the broken bulk bags, which were deposited as the temporal breakwater of litter dumping ground, can be detected by the outlier values of heavy metal species from the adjacent algal reefs and oyster shells along the Hsinchu coast. According to estuary and geographical location divide to 15 coastal areas, and then press the intertidal zone width and habitat type setting sampling stations, a total of 65 stations, sampling in 2012-2015, repeated annual collection, the coast matrix samples including reefs, sand, mud, gravel, hearthstone, etc., each sample for measuring the concentration of 32 kinds of heavy metals by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, a total of 507 sample data into the analysis. Multivariate statistical analysis, divided into six groups based on ordination of principal component analysis and dendrogram of cluster analysis were used by the quantitative analysis. The element values of the group 1-3 were extremely higher than the previous survey of Tainan, Miaoli, Hsinchu City, Taoyuan and north coast of Taiwan. The group 1 including copper, zinc, lead, tin, nickel, iron, manganese, arsenic, molybdenum, cadmium and silver, due to the abnormality of Feng-bi (Area D) coast, the difference between the other coastal areas were compressed, especially the D4 station, the filling leaked out to beach from the bulk bags of embankment, was no significant difference between the samplings and annual in this stations, in addition D3 station, collection from the hearthstone embankment, besides the elements of group 1, the group 3, chromium, tungsten, was also extremely high. Furthermore, the D3 and D4 were huge difference between the other sampling stations, indicating that the D3 and D4 samples were presented with extremely high concentrations, could not be the environmental background value. The group 4 including barium, palladium, antimony, tellurium and cesium, the value of A5 station, algae reef coast, was higher than that stations of D3 and D4, and the boxplots showed the two peaks of Po-tou (Area A) and Feng-bi coast. The group 6 including titanium, rubidium, potassium, these values were higher in the Ke-ya (Area H), Ta-chuang (Area J) and Mae-shan (Area K) coast, since these elements that collected from the bulk bags or hearthstone was low, and showing the difference of other coastal areas. This study found that the filled of bulk bags with toxic waste, and then as a temporary embankment, and placed in the waves can be attacked, leaked out sand or mud bound to cause coastal pollution, through bio-absorption accumulation, can be measured outlier values in adjacent algae reef and oyster shell.
In order to reveal the heavy metal pollution along the coast of Hsinchu, the coast substrata of Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City were sampled and examined by the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer between 2012 and 2015. Fifteen sections and sixty-five stations were established based on geographical characteristics, including biotic reefs, sand, mud, gravel, and hearthstones along the coast. Analysis of thirty-two species of heavy metals using principal component analysis and clustering showed six distinct groups. Elemental values of the first, second, and third groups were significantly higher than the values recorded from other sites in Taiwan. The concentration of heavy metal species, including copper, zinc, lead, tin, nickel, iron, manganese, arsenic, molybdenum, cadmium and silver, were extremely high in the group 1 at the Feng-bi section (Area D). This extremely high value has caused insignificant difference of heavy metal species among stations and among years, particularly at the station D4 where the bulk bags of embankment were deposited for temporal shoreline protection. At the station D3, high concentration of chromium and tungsten was detected due to the deposition of hearthstone. The maximum concentration of heavy metal species in the fourth group, including barium, palladium, antimony, tellurium and cesium, at the algae reef (A5 of the Po-Tou section), were significantly higher than those of D3 and D4. The titanium, rubidium, potassium, of the group 6 were higher in the Ke-ya (Area H), Ta-chuang (Area J) and Mae-shan (Area K) than those of other sections, probably due to low concentration of these species in the bulk bags or hearthstone. This study demonstrated that the toxic waste leaked from the broken bulk bags, which were deposited as the temporal breakwater of litter dumping ground, can be detected by the outlier values of heavy metal species from the adjacent algal reefs and oyster shells along the Hsinchu coast. According to estuary and geographical location divide to 15 coastal areas, and then press the intertidal zone width and habitat type setting sampling stations, a total of 65 stations, sampling in 2012-2015, repeated annual collection, the coast matrix samples including reefs, sand, mud, gravel, hearthstone, etc., each sample for measuring the concentration of 32 kinds of heavy metals by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, a total of 507 sample data into the analysis. Multivariate statistical analysis, divided into six groups based on ordination of principal component analysis and dendrogram of cluster analysis were used by the quantitative analysis. The element values of the group 1-3 were extremely higher than the previous survey of Tainan, Miaoli, Hsinchu City, Taoyuan and north coast of Taiwan. The group 1 including copper, zinc, lead, tin, nickel, iron, manganese, arsenic, molybdenum, cadmium and silver, due to the abnormality of Feng-bi (Area D) coast, the difference between the other coastal areas were compressed, especially the D4 station, the filling leaked out to beach from the bulk bags of embankment, was no significant difference between the samplings and annual in this stations, in addition D3 station, collection from the hearthstone embankment, besides the elements of group 1, the group 3, chromium, tungsten, was also extremely high. Furthermore, the D3 and D4 were huge difference between the other sampling stations, indicating that the D3 and D4 samples were presented with extremely high concentrations, could not be the environmental background value. The group 4 including barium, palladium, antimony, tellurium and cesium, the value of A5 station, algae reef coast, was higher than that stations of D3 and D4, and the boxplots showed the two peaks of Po-tou (Area A) and Feng-bi coast. The group 6 including titanium, rubidium, potassium, these values were higher in the Ke-ya (Area H), Ta-chuang (Area J) and Mae-shan (Area K) coast, since these elements that collected from the bulk bags or hearthstone was low, and showing the difference of other coastal areas. This study found that the filled of bulk bags with toxic waste, and then as a temporary embankment, and placed in the waves can be attacked, leaked out sand or mud bound to cause coastal pollution, through bio-absorption accumulation, can be measured outlier values in adjacent algae reef and oyster shell.
起訖頁 35-72
關鍵詞 新竹重金屬含量海岸基質太空包爐石Hsinchuheavy metal contentcoast matrixbulk baghearthstone
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201801 (20:1期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 苗栗海岸土壤重金屬含量分析
該期刊-下一篇 東沙環礁之新紀錄種魚類——雙帶鰺




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