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台灣生物多樣性研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Compatibility of Four Ericaceous Plant Root Endophytic Fungi with Rhododendron kanehirai
作者 林瑞進張琮柏齊子霈黃士元劉敏慧
烏來杜鵑為台灣特有種杜鵑屬植物,現在野外已滅絕。目前已證實杜鵑類菌根菌能幫助杜鵑科植物存活及促進其苗木生長。本研究材料取自農委會特有生物中心於台中市和平區烏石坑地區的低海拔試驗站之烏來杜鵑種子,使用委託食品工業發展研究所生物資源保存及研究中心向國外菌種庫購買自國外的 4 株菌株,菌種分別為:Cryptosporiopsis ericae (UAMH 9445)、Oidiodendron maius (CBS 110450)、Phialocephala fortinii (CBS 109313)及 Rhizoscyphus ericae (UAMH 8680),這些已被證實在杜鵑科植物根系中常見的真菌為接種材料,進行菌根純合成試驗。接種 60 天後,僅有接種 O. maius 及 R. ericae 的苗木存活,且接種 R. ericae 處理的苗木具有較大的平均鮮重(8.9 mg);另接種 C. ericae 與 P. fortinii 的苗木皆死亡;以存活的烏來杜鵑接種苗進行染根觀察,皆可發現菌絲複合體之杜鵑類菌根的構造。因此,本研究證實,這 4 株杜鵑科植物根系中常見的菌株中,O. maius 及 R. ericae 能和烏來杜鵑共生,且形成杜鵑類菌根。 Kanehira Azalea (Rhododendron kanehirai Wilson) is an endemic specie of Taiwan that hasn't been found due to extinctionin the fields. Since ericoid mycorrhizal fungi can accelerate the growth and survival of Ericaceous seedlings, the objectives of this study were to investigate the compatibility and resynthesis effect of four root endophytic fungi associated with Kanehira Azalea seedlings. Four fungi (Cryptosporiopsis ericae (UAMH 9445), Oidiodendron maius (CBS 110450), Phialocephala fortinii (CBS 109313) and Rhizoscyphus ericae (UAMH 8680) were purchased from BCRC. Mycorrhizal synthesis experiment showed that the seedlings inoculated with O. maius and R. ericae grew well and the roots produced hyphal coils. Nonetheless, the seedlings inoculated with C. ericae and P. fortinii withered. In addition, the seedlings of R. ericae inoculations resulted with a larger mean value in total fresh weight than that of O. maius inoculations (8.9 mg vs. 6.4 mg), and the hyphal complex structures were discovered in the stained root cortical cells in both inoculations. This study demonstrated that among these four root endophytic fungi, O. maius and R. ericae were able to survive and form ericoid mycorrhiza with Kanehira Azalea.
Kanehira Azalea (Rhododendron kanehirai Wilson) is an endemic specie of Taiwan that hasn't been found due to extinctionin the fields. Since ericoid mycorrhizal fungi can accelerate the growth and survival of Ericaceous seedlings, the objectives of this study were to investigate the compatibility and resynthesis effect of four root endophytic fungi associated with Kanehira Azalea seedlings. Four fungi (Cryptosporiopsis ericae (UAMH 9445), Oidiodendron maius (CBS 110450), Phialocephala fortinii (CBS 109313) and Rhizoscyphus ericae (UAMH 8680) were purchased from BCRC. Mycorrhizal synthesis experiment showed that the seedlings inoculated with O. maius and R. ericae grew well and the roots produced hyphal coils. Nonetheless, the seedlings inoculated with C. ericae and P. fortinii withered. In addition, the seedlings of R. ericae inoculations resulted with a larger mean value in total fresh weight than that of O. maius inoculations (8.9 mg vs. 6.4 mg), and the hyphal complex structures were discovered in the stained root cortical cells in both inoculations. This study demonstrated that among these four root endophytic fungi, O. maius and R. ericae were able to survive and form ericoid mycorrhiza with Kanehira Azalea.
起訖頁 97-107
關鍵詞 杜鵑類菌根烏來杜鵑菌絲複合體ericoid mycorrhizaRhododendron kanehiraihyphal complex
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201704 (19:2期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-下一篇 探討磺溪流域底棲矽藻群集與水質之關係




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