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Salvia lyrata L.—A Newly Naturalized Lyreleaf Sage in Taiwan
作者 鍾明哲 (Ming-Jer Jung)謝宗欣 (Tsung-Hsin Hsieh)
琴葉鼠尾草(Salvia lyrata L.)(新擬中名)原產美國的東部地區。本種基生葉為蓮座狀排列、單葉羽狀分裂,葉形類似琴形等特徵與台灣的其他種類明顯不同。近年來發現歸化於新北市瑞芳區猴峒道路邊緣荒廢地。本文描述其性狀特性、生育地環境和共同伴生之植物與分布。並報導其花粉為 6 溝花粉,表面具 2 層網狀紋飾。 Salvia lyrata L., belonging to the mint family, is a herbaceous perennial of the Lamiaceae. It is widely distributed across eastern United States. This species is characterized by basal rosette leaves with pinnately lobed or dissected margins. In a recent plant survey, we found a wild population of Salvia lyrata L. in the Houdong area, New Taipei City, northern Taiwan. A detailed description with color photographs, habitat information and distribution are provided in this paper. Additionally, pollen is reported as a 6-colpate pollen grain with a reticulate tectum.
Salvia lyrata L., belonging to the mint family, is a herbaceous perennial of the Lamiaceae. It is widely distributed across eastern United States. This species is characterized by basal rosette leaves with pinnately lobed or dissected margins. In a recent plant survey, we found a wild population of Salvia lyrata L. in the Houdong area, New Taipei City, northern Taiwan. A detailed description with color photographs, habitat information and distribution are provided in this paper. Additionally, pollen is reported as a 6-colpate pollen grain with a reticulate tectum.
起訖頁 131-136
關鍵詞 琴葉鼠尾草唇形科分類學台灣Salvia lyrataLamiaceaetaxonomyTaiwan
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201604 (18:2期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣2種新歸化植物──蔓枝蘆莉草與小蕊珍珠草
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣產盾形貓蛛之新紀錄與重新描述




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