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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Nonlinear Co-movements and Causalities between the Implied Index from the Options Volatility and the Equity Index in Taiwan |
作者 |
許和鈞、盧陽正、魏裕珍 |
中文摘要 |
The relationship between the information content implied by the options market-based volatility and the underlying stock index is analyzed through a threshold econometric model in this study. A volatility index in line with the CBOE, s new VIX is constructed by using intraday data for Taiwan’s index options market as the research material. We then derive an implied equity index (TVII) from the Taiwan volatility index under the Black-Scholes-Merton options pricing scheme. We examine the co-movements and causalities between the TVII and the TAIEX (Taiwan stock exchange capitalization weighted stock index, TAIEX) through the vector error correction model (VECM) and threshold VECM (TVECM) in different market scenarios. The empirical results substantiate the claim that the nonlinear two-regime TVECM provides an appropriate fit for the dynamics between the TVII and the TAIEX. Investors participating in the Taiwan stock market could rebalance their equity portfolios while the implied index derived from the call options (TVIIC) takes precedence over the TAIEX.
本研究應用門檻模型探討波動度指數之資訊内涵與標的指數間之關聯性,本研究參考CBOE 2003年公告之新版波動度指數編製法,應用高頻資料建立台灣衍生性市場之波動度指數,在Black-Scholes-Merton選擇權定價公式之架構下,推導出波動度之隱含指數,在不同市場狀況下,本研究分別應用線性與門檻共整合模型,探討波動度隱含指數與台灣證券市場加權股價指數間之共移與因果關係。實證結果證實,非線性的兩區域門檻共整合模型適合探討不同共移水準下,波動度隱含指數與加權股價指數間之動態關係,當買權之隱含指數領先加權股價指數時,臺灣證券市場之參與者可應用此資訊作為投資組合調整之參考。 |
英文摘要 |
本研究應用門檻模型探討波動度指數之資訊内涵與標的指數間之關聯性,本研究參考CBOE 2003年公告之新版波動度指數編製法,應用高頻資料建立台灣衍生性市場之波動度指數,在Black-Scholes-Merton選擇權定價公式之架構下,推導出波動度之隱含指數,在不同市場狀況下,本研究分別應用線性與門檻共整合模型,探討波動度隱含指數與台灣證券市場加權股價指數間之共移與因果關係。實證結果證實,非線性的兩區域門檻共整合模型適合探討不同共移水準下,波動度隱含指數與加權股價指數間之動態關係,當買權之隱含指數領先加權股價指數時,臺灣證券市場之參與者可應用此資訊作為投資組合調整之參考。 |
起訖頁 |
1-32 |
關鍵詞 |
波動度指數、波動度隱含指數、因果、情緒、門檻共整合模型、Volatility Index、Implied Index from Volatility、Causality、Sentiment、Threshold Vector Error Correction Model |
刊名 |
期貨與選擇權學刊 |
期數 |
200905 (2:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
無模型設定隱含波動性模型預測績效一台指選擇權市場實證 |