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The Role Market and Government in Allocating Farm Land Usage
作者 施順意
本文嘗試以農地明智使用為對照來瞭解農地農用的面紗。文中一個最主要的推論為,解除農地農用的管制不大可能影響總農地面積與特定農業區的農地面積。針對農產品市場開放挑戰的適當回應需包括農地明智的使用與農產品價格支持措施的改變。若僅解除農地農用的管制,仍將無法應付市場開放的挑戰。若僅改變價格支持措施,不但阻力大,也不可能再繼續限制農地的使用。結論指出,解除農地農用的管制配合農產品價格支持替代方案的新情境,將可使台灣農業脫胎換骨。 This paper attempts to uncover the veil of government restrictions on farm land usage. One important inference from the discussion is that lifting the restrictions probably would not affect the size of national farm land as well as the aggregate of classified farm land. Wise use of farm land and gradual elimination of price support are necessary in response to the challenge of market access. The impact of lifting farmland use restrictions alone would be insignificant but together with alternative scheme of support, the final outcome on the total and distribution of farm land would be quite different.
This paper attempts to uncover the veil of government restrictions on farm land usage. One important inference from the discussion is that lifting the restrictions probably would not affect the size of national farm land as well as the aggregate of classified farm land. Wise use of farm land and gradual elimination of price support are necessary in response to the challenge of market access. The impact of lifting farmland use restrictions alone would be insignificant but together with alternative scheme of support, the final outcome on the total and distribution of farm land would be quite different.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 農地價格支持市場開放farm landprice supportmarket access
刊名 農業與經濟  
期數 200312 (31期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學農業經濟學系
該期刊-下一篇 入會後關稅減讓及取消漁船用油價格優惠政策對臺灣農畜漁產業之一般均衡分析




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