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篇名 |
台灣地區消費者生活成本水準與價格指數替代偏誤(Substitution Bias)分析:Superlative價格指數的應用
並列篇名 |
Analyzing Taiwan's Cost of living and Substitution Bias of Consumer Price Index: An Application of Superlative Price Indexes |
作者 |
劉邦典 |
中文摘要 |
In this paper, based on estimates of two Superlative price indexes, i.e. the Fisher Ideal and the Tornqvist price indexes, we have found that from 1951 to 1998 the general cost of living for Taiwan consumers has increased 12.3 times, equivalently to an annual average growth rate of 5.48% (in terms of fixed-base principle). Instead, if the Laspeyres Consumer price index is used as the alternative measure, then the cost of living for Taiwan consumers has increased 13.8 times over the same period, with an annual average growth rate of 5.75%. The resulting commodity substitution bias effect, i.e. overestimate of the cost of living by the consumer price index, is around 0.17 percentage points per year, which is similar to the estimates in the literature. During both 1950s and 1970s periods, Taiwan had experienced two-digit high inflation rates, however in 1970s the substitution bias effect of using consumer price index as a cost of living measure is only 0.11 percentage points per year, which is much smaller than 0.27 percentage points per year in 1950s, the reason is because that the oil-related products usually have a very low price elasticity. |
英文摘要 |
In this paper, based on estimates of two Superlative price indexes, i.e. the Fisher Ideal and the Tornqvist price indexes, we have found that from 1951 to 1998 the general cost of living for Taiwan consumers has increased 12.3 times, equivalently to an annual average growth rate of 5.48% (in terms of fixed-base principle). Instead, if the Laspeyres Consumer price index is used as the alternative measure, then the cost of living for Taiwan consumers has increased 13.8 times over the same period, with an annual average growth rate of 5.75%. The resulting commodity substitution bias effect, i.e. overestimate of the cost of living by the consumer price index, is around 0.17 percentage points per year, which is similar to the estimates in the literature. During both 1950s and 1970s periods, Taiwan had experienced two-digit high inflation rates, however in 1970s the substitution bias effect of using consumer price index as a cost of living measure is only 0.11 percentage points per year, which is much smaller than 0.27 percentage points per year in 1950s, the reason is because that the oil-related products usually have a very low price elasticity. |
起訖頁 |
19-50 |
關鍵詞 |
拉氏價格指數、丕氏價格、Konus真實生活成本指數、Superlative價格指數、替代偏誤效果、Laspeyres price index、Passche price index、Konus true cost of living index、Superlative price index、Substitution bias |
刊名 |
農業與經濟 |
期數 |
200206 (28期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
兩岸稻米競爭力分析 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
臺灣養殖魚類市場整合研究--以吳郭魚為例 |