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Selected poems given chapter and discusses deposit says: Shen Deqian construct Poetics history strategy of double-track and thus its significance
作者 林淑貞
本文旨在論述沈德潛(1673-1769)建構詩學史觀之策略及其朗現的意圖與意義。沈德潛一生有關於詩學之論著,主要有二個向度:一、編寫輯錄四部詩歌選集,二、撰寫詩話《說詩晬語》;此二向度呈示什麼樣的詩學觀點與意圖呢?蓋沈氏通過別裁諸書的選定,包括《唐詩別裁集》、《古詩源》、《明詩別裁集》、《國朝詩別裁集》四部選集,以「選詩定篇」的方式,為唐前、唐、明、清諸朝裁定詩選範本,其目的顯然是作為學詩矩範,而《說詩晬語》則以論述中國詩歌體式、源流、評騭詩家、銓品時代風格等項為主,作為論述詩學的基源;從此二面向可知沈德潛的策略擬藉由「選詩定篇」與「論述存說」雙軌並進的策略樹立自己的詩學史觀,一則以別裁諸書作為範本,一則以《說詩晬語》作為理論的根據,二者合軌,共構沈德潛的史觀,提出:尊詩騷、卑六朝、倡唐詩、貶宋詩、反明詩、正清詩的詩史觀點,而其意圖何在呢?一、本於詩教,推尊《詩經》;二、倡導唐詩,以別裁諸書作為學古法式;三,以意運法,神明變化;四、對當時詩學流派之承繼與駁議調合。整體觀之,沈德潛的詩學史觀建構在唐詩的趣向,指出時人學詩的一條路徑。 Pattern Theory strategy intended to "double-track-pronged strategy to establish their own poetic history by" selected poems given papers "and" discursive deposit said, do not cut the one hand, Zhu Shu as a template, they are, "said Shi Yu" as a theory, the two co-rail total frame Pattern Theory view of history put forward: respect for the Poetry, Peel Six Dynasties, Tang Dynasty initiatives, derogatory Song Poem anti Ming poetry Zhengqing poem of epic poetry views, and its intentions, it? This poem teach Esteem "Book of Songs"; advocate of Tang, as distinct from President Zhu Shu as old school French; transported to Italy, the gods change; Fourth, the successors of the poetic genre barge discussing blending. The overall perspective The The Pattern Theory poetic view of history to construct in Tang poetry 趣向, a path that when people study poetry.
Pattern Theory strategy intended to "double-track-pronged strategy to establish their own poetic history by" selected poems given papers "and" discursive deposit said, do not cut the one hand, Zhu Shu as a template, they are, "said Shi Yu" as a theory, the two co-rail total frame Pattern Theory view of history put forward: respect for the Poetry, Peel Six Dynasties, Tang Dynasty initiatives, derogatory Song Poem anti Ming poetry Zhengqing poem of epic poetry views, and its intentions, it? This poem teach Esteem "Book of Songs"; advocate of Tang, as distinct from President Zhu Shu as old school French; transported to Italy, the gods change; Fourth, the successors of the poetic genre barge discussing blending. The overall perspective The The Pattern Theory poetic view of history to construct in Tang poetry 趣向, a path that when people study poetry.
起訖頁 97-134
關鍵詞 清詩話說詩晬語格調說神韻說詩史Qing PoetrySaid Shi YuGediao saysShen Yun saysHistory of poetry
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201806 (26期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 返抵天鄉──論王徵的一首和陶辭
該期刊-下一篇 「內祖外聖」──越南客家人社區身份認同與融合之道:以同奈省邊和市龍寶區為研究對象




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