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Succession and adaptation of stories of Evil monk of detective fictions of Ming Dynasty
作者 張凱特
本文以明代公案小說集為範疇,聚焦於惡僧故事的題材承衍與改寫,如何反映公案的明僧故事時代性。從公案小說集的故事分布與案件類型的側重,注意到了題材來源選擇特別著重於法家書與筆記小說,又為後來豔情小說與其他通俗小說所援引。從內容改寫發現,不論源於法家書類型或其他類型小說者,皆在形式增入三詞(告詞、訴詞、判詞),內容增衍判案的內容,說明公案小說在惡僧故事傳播的關鍵位置,亦更加說明公案惡僧題材在擇選與改寫是成功的。明代惡僧公案的時代性體現於當代時聞抄撮、明代故事數量、案件反映內容三方面。公案小說的惡僧題材演繹的歷時性演變,具有文學發展的意義外,明代公案集著重於人命類、姦情類與威逼類案件,反映社會的強烈批判面向。 The essay focused on succession and adaptation of stories of evil monk by taking detective fictions of Ming Dynasty as research objects to reflect the epochal character of stories of monks in Ming Dynasty. From content adaptations, it can be found that no matter legalism novels or novels of other types, they added three-words in form and judgment in content. From the perspective of story distribution and emphasis of case types of detective fictions, it was noteworthy that selection of themes paid special attention to legalism and literary sketches, and then quoted by erotic novels and popular fictions, which indicated the key position of detective stories on propagating of stories of evil monk and success of the theme of evil monk in selection and adaptation. It can be discovered that the epochal character of stories of evil monk of Ming Dynasty could be reflected in three aspects, namely, transcription of modern news, quantity of stories of Ming Dynasty and reflections of social cases. Diachronic evolution of the theme of evil monk of detective novels has the significance of literature development, and moreover, legal cases of Ming Dynasty focused on cases of human life, amours and threats which could reflect strong criticism of the society.
The essay focused on succession and adaptation of stories of evil monk by taking detective fictions of Ming Dynasty as research objects to reflect the epochal character of stories of monks in Ming Dynasty. From content adaptations, it can be found that no matter legalism novels or novels of other types, they added three-words in form and judgment in content. From the perspective of story distribution and emphasis of case types of detective fictions, it was noteworthy that selection of themes paid special attention to legalism and literary sketches, and then quoted by erotic novels and popular fictions, which indicated the key position of detective stories on propagating of stories of evil monk and success of the theme of evil monk in selection and adaptation. It can be discovered that the epochal character of stories of evil monk of Ming Dynasty could be reflected in three aspects, namely, transcription of modern news, quantity of stories of Ming Dynasty and reflections of social cases. Diachronic evolution of the theme of evil monk of detective novels has the significance of literature development, and moreover, legal cases of Ming Dynasty focused on cases of human life, amours and threats which could reflect strong criticism of the society.
起訖頁 35-67
關鍵詞 明代公案小說集豔情小說僧尼孽海法家書筆記小說detective-style novelsErotic novelsSeng Ni NieHailegalism booksliterary sketches
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201806 (26期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 佐藤春夫《星》改寫「陳三五娘」故事的素材來源研究
該期刊-下一篇 返抵天鄉──論王徵的一首和陶辭




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