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The Cultural implication of Demonization Narrative Writing in The Collection of Ming Dynasty Detective Stories
作者 張凱特
本文以明代公案小說集為文本,研議公案小說中「妖」化現象,妖怪為志怪小說的習見題材,洎明代公案小說集將妖列為變亂社會與國家秩序的禍首,將妖提高至對應家國與社會的新高度,為前所未有的思維。從定義,釋名及題材承衍的整理與析分,進而梳理出公案小說對於妖怪類型的偏好與時事的綰合,就此得知人物或物類的妖化現象的形塑法式,就公案分判結果適映現晚明社會對於身體觀、政治秩序、人倫秩序的焦慮,拈出對人體變異、秘密宗教、人妖想像的意識,細繹出包羅正統與異端對立的妖之意涵。 Apart from affecting the development of literary form, the development of demon theme in the novels of Ming Dynasty can especially reflect the nature of social reality. By means of analyzing and discriminating the type of demon stories, the thesis has noticed the extraction of the concept of order in court-case novels and demonstrated the phenomenon of demonizing a specific group or species; the demon stories that succeeds from the mystery novels in late Ming Dynasty have affected the change of the demon's definition and nature and the change has reflected people's anxiety over body conception, political order, faith order and ethic order in late Ming Dynasty. The thesis has also presented the expansion and extension of the viewpoints on demon and clarified the sense of equivocality on variation of human bodies, mystery religion, local wicked sacrifice and imagination on human and demon, etc, aiming to obtain an accurate understanding about the orthodox and heterodox concepts of order in court-case novels.
Apart from affecting the development of literary form, the development of demon theme in the novels of Ming Dynasty can especially reflect the nature of social reality. By means of analyzing and discriminating the type of demon stories, the thesis has noticed the extraction of the concept of order in court-case novels and demonstrated the phenomenon of demonizing a specific group or species; the demon stories that succeeds from the mystery novels in late Ming Dynasty have affected the change of the demon's definition and nature and the change has reflected people's anxiety over body conception, political order, faith order and ethic order in late Ming Dynasty. The thesis has also presented the expansion and extension of the viewpoints on demon and clarified the sense of equivocality on variation of human bodies, mystery religion, local wicked sacrifice and imagination on human and demon, etc, aiming to obtain an accurate understanding about the orthodox and heterodox concepts of order in court-case novels.
起訖頁 1-35
關鍵詞 明代明代公案小說集秘密宗教《百家公案》Ming DynastyDemonizationSecret ReliginBai Jia Gong AnThe Collection of Ming Dynasty Detective Stories
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201612 (23期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-下一篇 論《古今譚概》的編纂方式與文獻運用




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