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Aluba as a Form of Male Youth “High” Culture in Play
作者 畢恆達黃海濤洪文龍潘柏翰
「阿魯巴」是一種流行於台灣男性青少年間,象徵性地以生殖器撞擊柱狀物的校園遊戲。本文推測此遊戲最早可能出現於1980年代中期,為台灣多個世代青少年男性難忘之集體經驗。然而,報章媒體與教育專家過度關注少數被阿者受傷的個別案例,建構了阿魯巴的高度風險性,也促使教育部與國防部對阿魯巴發出禁令。2011年,立法院通過《性別平等教育法》修正案,阿魯巴成為討論性霸凌最常引用的實例。教育界、兒少保護團體、醫界等都將阿魯巴視為性霸凌。本研究在深度訪談基礎上,結合報紙新聞和影像文本分析,從假裝、意圖、自願、權力階序等面向,探討阿魯巴究竟是霸凌還是遊戲,並說明支持校園阿魯巴的物質基礎與文化脈絡,以及阿魯巴的性別意涵。 Aluba is a popular high-school campus activity among adolescent males that had been transformed from pole-racking. In aluba, however, the real groin attack became a make-believe one; more people participated in the play, including the shouters; and the ablubaee was a buddy rather than an outsider. This play started to become popular in the mid-1980s, around the time of the abolition of martial law. It has been a precious memory of adolescent males for decades. There is, however, a lack of empirical studies on this form of male culture. Aluba has been depicted as a kind of sexual bullying and was abolished by both Ministry of Education and Ministry of National Defense. Based on 45 interviews and visual texts, this research tries to analyze and answer the question: Is Aluba play or bullying? In addition, the authors show the development of aluba, its gender implications, and the reasons for its popularity on high-school campuses.
Aluba is a popular high-school campus activity among adolescent males that had been transformed from pole-racking. In aluba, however, the real groin attack became a make-believe one; more people participated in the play, including the shouters; and the ablubaee was a buddy rather than an outsider. This play started to become popular in the mid-1980s, around the time of the abolition of martial law. It has been a precious memory of adolescent males for decades. There is, however, a lack of empirical studies on this form of male culture. Aluba has been depicted as a kind of sexual bullying and was abolished by both Ministry of Education and Ministry of National Defense. Based on 45 interviews and visual texts, this research tries to analyze and answer the question: Is Aluba play or bullying? In addition, the authors show the development of aluba, its gender implications, and the reasons for its popularity on high-school campuses.
起訖頁 1-44
關鍵詞 阿魯巴性霸凌陽剛特質男性青少年文化打鬧遊戲bullyinghazingmasculinitiesadolescentplay
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201712 (34期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 從建制民族誌探討大專校院性平處理機制的客體化歷程




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