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From Germany to Alishan: Our Lady of Lourdes Church in the Chukow Village by SVD Father Friedrich Linzenbach
作者 于禮本
國共內戰的爆發促使原在大陸地區的歐美天主教修會紛紛轉移來臺,讓1950到1970年代期間的臺灣教堂建築發展在數量上隨之攀達巔峰。座落在嘉義縣番路鄉觸口村的露德聖母堂是由德國聖言會(Societas Verbi Divini, SVD)的林慎白神父(Friedrich Linzenbach, 1904-1981)於1960年所設計。此教堂的外觀、結構,與內部格局不但流露出歐洲現代教堂建築發展的風格、理念,與禮儀改革的影響,也反映出西方宣教士對東方文化、臺灣風土氣候與習俗等的省思,記錄下許多不為人知的歐美──臺灣歷史交會。揭示此一現今閒置、荒廢教堂建築在歷史、藝術上的文化意義與價值,是挽救、維護臺灣珍貴文化遺產上刻不容緩之事。 This study explores the artistic, cultural and historical significance of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in the village of Chukow (Fanlu Township, Chiayi County), designed by SVD Father Friedrich Linzenbach (1904-1981) in 1960. The deserted church mirrored the boom of church building projects in Taiwan during the 1950s to 1970s, along with the relocation of the western missionaries from the mainland China to Taiwan since the outbreak of the civil war between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party. The appearance, structure, and interior design of this church reveal not only the style and concept of the European modern church architecture, but also the influence of the liturgical movement, Western reflections on Asian culture and local climate. It is a witness to an unknown history of European- Taiwan intercultural understanding, and a precious cultural heritage of Taiwan, worth of urgent saving and safeguarding.
This study explores the artistic, cultural and historical significance of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in the village of Chukow (Fanlu Township, Chiayi County), designed by SVD Father Friedrich Linzenbach (1904-1981) in 1960. The deserted church mirrored the boom of church building projects in Taiwan during the 1950s to 1970s, along with the relocation of the western missionaries from the mainland China to Taiwan since the outbreak of the civil war between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party. The appearance, structure, and interior design of this church reveal not only the style and concept of the European modern church architecture, but also the influence of the liturgical movement, Western reflections on Asian culture and local climate. It is a witness to an unknown history of European- Taiwan intercultural understanding, and a precious cultural heritage of Taiwan, worth of urgent saving and safeguarding.
起訖頁 75-99
關鍵詞 教堂建築林慎白聖言會觸口村露德聖母堂Church ArchitectureFriedrich LinzenbachSVDChukow VillageOur Lady of Lourdes Church
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 201806 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-上一篇 《香港罪與罰》:侯俊明的香港預言




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