中文摘要 |
Although a large number of studies have been made on the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite which is one of the Greek epics, dating the hymn is still a challenging task. Commentators on the hymn have usually dated it after Homer, but before the sixth century BC. Contrarily, some scholars urged a later date. The purpose of this article is to reinforce the latter argument by adding a new reason. We will mainly focus on the formation of national identity as a key to deriving the solution.
論文的目的是探討古希臘史詩《阿芙蘿黛蒂讚歌》的創作時期。在這首讚歌中,已經有幾個部份讓人感受到在這個讚歌的時代,古希臘已經產生了「希臘」的國家意識。「希臘」的國家意識萌生於公元前492年和公元前480年的波斯戰爭。據說由於強國波斯的侵略,古希臘團結一致,國家意識因此萌生。像這樣由於面對強國侵略,國家團結一致而產生國家意識的例子在日本也能觀察到。日本在1274年和1281年遭受了元的侵略,據說此事是當時形成日本國家意識的契機。本論文探討希臘國家意識形成,以及《阿芙蘿黛蒂讚歌》的創作年代。 |