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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
A Dyadic Analysis on Married Couples' Family-of-origin Communication Stances, Marital Communication Stances, Marital Adjustment Strategies, and Marital Satisfaction |
作者 |
陳奕吟、卓紋君 |
中文摘要 |
This study explores the relationships among communication stances in the family of origin, communication stances in marriage, strategies of marital adjustment and marital satisfaction. The participants were 247 couples, mainly from Kaohsiung, aged from 27 to 70, and married for one month to 42 years. The researchers used descriptive statistics, chi-square, paired t-test, and one-way ANOVA to analyze the data. The results were (1) for both husbands and wives, the most often used communication stance both in the family of origin and marriage is congruent (23.2%, 27.8%, respectively), whereas the less used one is super-rational (17.3%, 16.3%, respectively). (2) The most often used strategy for marital adjustment is extrapersonal-positive (27.2%), whereas the less often used one is extrapersonal -negative (22.8%). (3) Over 90% of the couples rated their marital satisfaction average to high. (4) The communication stances in the family of origin are significantly correlated to the ones in marriage. (5) The communication stances in the family of origin are related to strategies for marital adjustment. (6) The communication stances in marriage are related to strategies for marital adjustment. (7) Couples' marital satisfaction is related to the consistency of their communication stances in marriage as well as to the consistency of their strategies for marital adjustment. Suggestions for couple counseling and future research are addressed. |
英文摘要 |
This study explores the relationships among communication stances in the family of origin, communication stances in marriage, strategies of marital adjustment and marital satisfaction. The participants were 247 couples, mainly from Kaohsiung, aged from 27 to 70, and married for one month to 42 years. The researchers used descriptive statistics, chi-square, paired t-test, and one-way ANOVA to analyze the data. The results were (1) for both husbands and wives, the most often used communication stance both in the family of origin and marriage is congruent (23.2%, 27.8%, respectively), whereas the less used one is super-rational (17.3%, 16.3%, respectively). (2) The most often used strategy for marital adjustment is extrapersonal-positive (27.2%), whereas the less often used one is extrapersonal -negative (22.8%). (3) Over 90% of the couples rated their marital satisfaction average to high. (4) The communication stances in the family of origin are significantly correlated to the ones in marriage. (5) The communication stances in the family of origin are related to strategies for marital adjustment. (6) The communication stances in marriage are related to strategies for marital adjustment. (7) Couples' marital satisfaction is related to the consistency of their communication stances in marriage as well as to the consistency of their strategies for marital adjustment. Suggestions for couple counseling and future research are addressed. |
起訖頁 |
7-51 |
關鍵詞 |
溝通姿態、婚姻調適策略、婚姻滿意度、對偶分析、communication stances、marital adjustment strategy、marital satisfaction、dyadic analysis |
刊名 |
諮商心理與復健諮商學報 |
期數 |
201710 (31期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
從女性主義的觀點析論性別暴力處遇的本質 |