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Lessons learnt from a disaster-resistant community: Acase study of Yongan District of Kaohsiung City
作者 吳偉寧謝政勳
防災社區的推動對社區治理與城市災害整備相當重要,但其發展仍方興未艾。防災社區的推動,有助於強化災害的協力治理與提升政府處理危機事件的能力,強化政府複合性災害的回應,以及於災害過程中提供更明確的資訊來源與穩固的網絡關係。在實務的運作上,當各種災害發生時,社區自主性的災害回應,是立即啟動災害防救相關機制的第一步回應,爾後,旋即動員相關單位投入救災。過往災害經驗往往發生整合的困難,以及資訊傳達的低效率,而無法考量各方接收訊息的準確性與敏捷度,甚至也無法顧及社區現有資源與人力動員。本研究透過二手資料分析與訪談法,探討高雄市永安區之個案,以基層防災社區為主題與協力治理的觀點,檢視與評估高雄市防災社區水患災害防救實務推動之經驗,並提出區公所透過非工程措施,推動地區水患自主防災的災害協力治理架構之建議。 Building disaster resistantcommunities is the main task of local governments. However, it does not occur in a vacuum: riskand design factors facilitate citizen participationin emergency management process. One of the main factors of fostering disaster resistant communitiesis collaboration. The Kaohsiung City is a disaster-prone city, and many districts in this city have beensuffering from flood. Most of those flood-prone communities adopt collaborative strategies in disaster preparedness. Nevertheless, collaboration may come with significant risks and cost. Through literature review, interview, and this case study of the Yongan District of Kaohsiung City in southern Taiwan, the study discusses the issues that may limit collaboration take root in the flood-prone community. The finding is that the process of collaboration can be captured by local leaders, local politics, information delivery and communication, andformal and informal power relations among stakeholders.
Building disaster resistantcommunities is the main task of local governments. However, it does not occur in a vacuum: riskand design factors facilitate citizen participationin emergency management process. One of the main factors of fostering disaster resistant communitiesis collaboration. The Kaohsiung City is a disaster-prone city, and many districts in this city have beensuffering from flood. Most of those flood-prone communities adopt collaborative strategies in disaster preparedness. Nevertheless, collaboration may come with significant risks and cost. Through literature review, interview, and this case study of the Yongan District of Kaohsiung City in southern Taiwan, the study discusses the issues that may limit collaboration take root in the flood-prone community. The finding is that the process of collaboration can be captured by local leaders, local politics, information delivery and communication, andformal and informal power relations among stakeholders.
起訖頁 89-105
關鍵詞 協力治理災害韌性永續發展災害脆弱性社區治理Abstract Abstractcollaborative governancedisaster resiliencesustainable developmentvulnerabilitycommunity governance
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201801 (17:1期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 三鳳宮論壇「高雄,找到位置了嗎?——高雄的兩岸佈局之道」
該期刊-下一篇 哀哉高雄自由經濟示範區




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