中文摘要 |
The community health development operates for increasing community participation and assisting the communities forming local health issues. Since the goal of community health development is sustainability, it is necessary to evaluate the programs unceasingly. Therefore, the autonomy of community participation, the extent of volunteer teams, and their effects on community health development centers are key factors thatresearchers and participants have to concern. The study population is the supervisor or the program manager in each community health development center in Tainan. The data collection method is the self-report constructed questionnaire adopted mail survey method. There were 29 questionnaires mailed out in year 2011 (October to November) and 16were replied, the response rate was 55.1%. The results showed most responsive agencies within community health development centerswere hospitals and the department of health of local governments, which provided communities with professional manpower and resources. Moreover, they were high percentage of continuing operations and had plenty of budget sources. Additionally, the major difficulty in implementing the programs was lack of budget.According to the findings, community health development centers must enforce the community empowerment. In planning the activity subjects, community health development centers should attach great importance to the residents health needs. The government and policies should increase more community partnership for establishing the common values and goals, and the volunteers must have definite responsibility to improve the autonomy of residents and facilitate communities forming their own healthy issues.
衛生署以健康城市的概念為依據,推行社區健康營造相關計畫,希望能在每一鄉、鎮、市(區)都能有一個社區健康營造單位,結合當地資源,鼓勵社區民眾能主動關心並解決社區健康議題。本研究採郵寄問卷方式,以台南市2005-2009年來接受機關補助的社區健康營造的機構為調查對象,普查29間社區健康營造中心,回收問卷共計16間機構,回收率達55.1%。從社區健康營造中心的組織特性、經費來源、志工團隊運作、組織合作成效、社區民眾參與程度等面向,瞭解其運作與成效。研究結果發現,不同類型的組織,在社區健康營造活動當中所能發揮的功能與特色亦不相同。醫院、衛生所等具有醫療背景的團體承辦社區健康營造在專業資源及人力方面皆較其他組織充裕,有較高的比例持續營運,且在經費來源部份多能獲得院所本身的預算編列支援。此外,營造中心與社區組織合作情形越好,營造中心持續營運的可能性越高。然而,缺乏贊助資金被認為阻礙營造中心永續發展的主要困難點;在規劃活動議題上,應重視社區民眾健康需求調查分析,使健康營造中心能夠推行對於民眾有著吸引力且確實符合需求與期待的活動。 |