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The Construction of Dimensions and Competency Indicators of Elementary School Principals’ Turnaround Leadership: A Novel Hybrid MCDM Model
作者 賴志峰 (Chih-Feng Lai)
本研究旨在建構國民小學校長重建領導層面及能力指標、影響關係與權重 體系。本研究分為三個階段:在第一階段,依文獻探討研擬各層面及能力指標, 邀請10 位專家檢測專家效度,然後透過分層隨機抽樣,抽取515 位國小校長 進行問卷調查,回收371 份有效問卷。運用SPSS、AMOS 軟體,進行項目分 析及驗證性因素分析,確認各層面及能力指標;在第二階段,邀請14 位國小 校長及學者專家,進行準則問卷調查,運用DEMATEL 建立各層面與能力指 標之因果結構關係圖;在第三階段,運用DANP 建構各項能力指標之影響關 係與權重體系。本研究發現:(1)國小校長重建領導包含四個層面及20 項指標, 具有信效度;(2)四個層面及指標之間存在依存關係,彼此相互影響;(3)四個 層面依其重要性,分別為驅動結果、問題解決、個人效能以及影響結果。最後, 依據研究結果,提出具體建議,以供教育決策、領導實踐及研究之參考。
This study aims to construct the dimensions of elementary school principals’ turnaround leadership and related competency indicators, the relationships of effects and weight system. It includes three stages. During the first stage, the dimensions and indicators of elementary school principals’ turnaround leadership were developed based on literature review, and validated by ten experts. Then, stratified random sampling was conducted; 515 elementary school principals were invited to fill out the questionnaire, and among which 371 valid questionnaires were obtained. By using SPSS and AMOS, item analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis were conducted. During the second stage, 14 elementary school principals, scholars and experts were invited to fill out the expert questionnaire. By using DEMATEL, INRM of dimensions and indicators were created. During the third stage, by using DANP, the relationships of effects among indicators and weight system were established. The findings of this study indicated that: 1) there are four dimensions and 20 indicators of elementary school principals’ turnaround leadership; 2) there is an interdependent relationship between the four dimensions and 20 indicators and they influence each other; 3) the four dimensions are driving results, problem solving, personal effectiveness, and influencing results in the order of importance. Finally, specific suggestions were offered for educational decision-making, leadership practice, and future research.
起訖頁 071-112
關鍵詞 校長領導重建領導複合多評準決策hybrid MCDMprincipal leadershipturnaround leadershipTSSCI
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201806 (31:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 諮商師透過諮詢與教師合作處理學生問題行為之行動研究
該期刊-下一篇 發展青少年以紀錄片形式參與社會教學模組之設計




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