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Exploration of Educational Policy Argument.Taking Teachers Professional Development Evaluation Policy as an Example
作者 倪士峯
The process of formulating education policies is not entirely rational and perfect. However, due to the need to take into account the needs of policy stakeholders, policy implementation results may not be satisfactory. This study takes the teacher professional development assessment policy as an example to discuss the application of policy formulation of public administration in policy formulation, planning and promotion of education policies. The purpose of the specific study is to discuss the problems that have occurred in the process of demonstrating education policies from the perspective of public policy argumentation, and thus affect the effectiveness of policy implementation. Finally, based on the research conclusions, the government education policy department will provide reference for future education policies. This article uses literature analysis as a research method. In the course of the study, taking teacher professional development evaluation policy as an example, through the theoretical framework of policy argumentation, we understand the process and mode of demonstration of public policy, and conduct an in-depth analysis of teacher professional development assessment policy from the perspective of policy argumentation. According to the purpose of this research and the methods of literature analysis, this study has obtained the following conclusions: 1. Clarify the policy philosophy and purpose in order to avoid the solution to the policy problem in the wrong way; 2. Fix the anchor argument method and argument basis, increase the persuasiveness of the policy; 3 Clarify policy disputes (refutation reasons) and adhere to policy positions; 4. Understand the two sides of policy argumentation value discussion--Hydropower can carry a boat, can also overturn it; 5. Planners and implementers, participate in policy decision-making process, realize The value of democracy. According to the research conclusions, the study recommends that: 1. The Ministry of Education and the teacher groups and parent groups should establish mutual assistance and trust; 2. The process of policy consultation should expand the space for participation and make good use of the media in order to gain policy recognition; Teachers should recognize themselves as the role of public service providers and do their best to fulfill public responsibilities.
起訖頁 218-245
關鍵詞 教師專業發展評鑑政策論證公共政策Teachers Professional Development EvaluationPolicy argumentPublic Policy
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201806 (7:6期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
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