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Blindness/Bewilderednessofthephysically-challenged person: AComparative Analysis of the narrative of the physically-challenged person in Life is like string(1985) by Shi Tiesheng and Massage (2008)
作者 洪士惠
The physically challengedwriter andthe wholesome writerhave substantial difference in their concerns about dealing with the same subject of physically challenged person in their works for one is really handicapped and the other is just trying to sympathize with the physically challenged. This paper takes Lifeis like string (1985) by Shi Tiesheng and Massage (2008) by Bi Feiyu as examples in discussing the condition of the physically challenged person in real social life and the way of solution and redemptionin the vision of these two writers. The more than twenty years from1985 to 2008 have seen China changing from a society of political-oriented to that of market-oriented where men live blindly and bewilderedly. This situation reminds us of the fact that the literary works about the physically challenged person not only reflect the life condition of the physically challenged but also reveal the life issues of the wholesome.
起訖頁 75-105
關鍵詞 殘疾作家文學殘疾文學盲人社會排除污名works by physically challenged writerworks about the physicallychallengedthe blind mansocial exclusionstigma
刊名 高雄師大學報  
期數 201607 (24期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論《丁莊夢》及《白雪烏鴉》中的貧病書寫
該期刊-下一篇 中古遇攝字在閩西方言的幾項音韻演變




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