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東吳日語教育學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Preliminary research of programs associated with Japanese or Japanology in universities
作者 王敏東廖俊棋
本文調查分析我國大學部與日語(文)或日本學相關的學程,結果得知有將近3 成的大學開設這樣的學程,有些學程雖然名稱中不含日語(文)或日本學等字樣,但於學程內卻包含日語(文)或日本學的相關課程。基本上日語系在這類學程中居重要的位置,但也有未設日語系的大學開設相關的學程。學程中與日文搭配的領域主要為其他語言、經貿商管、觀光,甚至還廣及文創、醫療等。本研究釐清目前我國大學部與日語(文)或日本學相關學程的現況,也提示了日語系甚至日語專長人士未來可能跨領域發展的方向。
This paper analyzed the programs which associate with Japanese or Japanololgy in universities of Taiwan. About 30 percents of universities have these programs; although some of these programs are not entitle "Japanese" or "Japanology", classes associated with "Japanese" or "Japanology" are included. Most of these programs are mainly held by Japanese departments, but there are still some being hosted by universities which do not have Japanese department s. The interdisciplinary classes in these programs are mainly other languages, business management and tourism, and some of them even enlarge their range to culture and creativity as well as health. This research clarified the current situation of programs associated with Japanese and Japanology in universities of Taiwan and also proposed the interdisciplinary development direction to Japanese departments as well as people major in Japanese.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 表場所的日語助詞「ni」「de」「o」字串形成策略以名詞和動詞為主軸表範圍限定的「de」表「存在」的「ni」表移動空間的「o」Japanese locative particles nide and oStrategy of unit formationNoun- and Verb-pivotsregion markerlocation markerroute marker
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 201609 (47期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣人の日本語學習者による場所の格助詞「に」「で」「を」選択ストラテジー―文章完成タスクを資料として




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