英文摘要 |
The numerus clausus principle is a young principle of property laws, which was created by the pandectists in 19th century and began to influence other countries in Europe and East Asia gradually since the second half of 19th century. Nowadays, the numerus clausus principle has four different legislative expressions. In essence, the numerus clausus principle only limits the party autonomy and does not limit the legal sources of property rights. The numerus clausus principle in East Asia, which limits the legal sources of property rights, is different from its mainstream in Europe. However, when customary laws and case laws are recognized as legal sources of property rights by countries in East Asia, the numerus clausus principle in East Asia has converged into the mainstream. From the point of external system, the numerus clausus principle is a logic derivative of the concept of Autonomie des Sachenrechts. From the point of internal value, the numerus clausus principle aims at promoting the circulation of property: the unitary dominium guarantees the alienability of property and the numerus clausus of ius in re aliena standardizes information and reduces transaction costs. Certainly, when registration system and reliance protection are improved gradually, the importance of the numerus clausus of ius in realiena declines significantly. However, the protection of alienability of property by unitary dominium still cannot be replaced. Whether to adopt the numerus apertus of ius in re aliena, we should take full consideration of its necessity, feasibility and the special circumstances of China. |