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To Make or to Buy the Quality of Neighborhood Environment: Transaction Cost Perspective
作者 柯伯煦陳建元
The quality of the urban communal environment depends on the collaboration among homeowners association, residents, and property management companies. However, many references show that their relationship is not harmony. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to theoretically analyze these three actors’ institutional incentives and behaviors under current urban communal governance based on the transaction cost perspectives. Moreover, the paper also investigated 26 communities in Tainan County compared to the theoretical analysis. The results show that the rational choice of residents is to be free riders in communal governance, which is constrained by the prisoner dilemmas. Hence, the transaction cost is very high in communal governance through voluntary cooperation that the institution of homeowner association is emerged in urban communal governance. However, the board members of homeowners also lack incentives and professions to purse the benefits of the whole community but may narrowly focus on their personal or small groups’ interests, which also creates transaction cost. Therefore homeowners association contracted out most functions of urban communal governance to property management company. However, property management companies under this institutional structure of urban community in Taiwan will rationally choose to satisfy the demand of board members to sustain the contracts and ignore the demand of the majority residents. Furthermore, these property management companies also use their information advantage to do rent seeking behaviours, which also create transaction cost. How to reduce these transaction cost in current urban communal governance needs more future researches to address.
起訖頁 29-59
關鍵詞 社區治理管委會管理維護公司交易成本策略Communal governanceHomeowners associationProperty management company (PMC)Transaction coastStrategy
刊名 會計學報  
期數 201006 (2:專刊期)
出版單位 東吳大學會計學系
該期刊-上一篇 經濟性與社會性因素對決定台灣中小企業創新能力的實證研究
該期刊-下一篇 契約失靈與策略性契約彈性




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