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Calculation of the Corrected Values for the Inward Tilting Type Curved Platform Track Clearance Extension
作者 馬金龍盧俊愷徐文信黃培毓
The thesis aims to explore the calculation process for the correctedvalues of the inward tilting type curved platform clearance in station compounds.Considering the safety of operations and passengers, the railway- related laws and regulations have laid down the specifications for therelative clearance between the platform and trains. However, in recentyears, issues addressing the insufficiency in the regulations set tostandardize the clearance between the curved platforms and trains havearisen from the experiences of on-site construction. Such insufficiencyhas caused the trains to tilt towards the platform and encroach upon thetrack clearance after the tracks are laid, and in some cases, the trains havecome into contact with the platform structure. Targeting the calculationfor the inward tilting type platform clearance, this thesis will conduct acalculation of the platform clearance based on the rough estimation andprecision calculation methods set forth in the railway related regulations forthe actual cases of the Taiwan Railway Xizi Science Park Station East-2Main Line and the new Kaohsiung Gushan Station East Main Line andinitiate a discussion on the comparisons of the results. The discussionsare expected to provide valuable references for design and construction ofcurved platforms in the future. Experiences of on-site constructionindicate that results of the precision calculation and rough estimation arecompliant with the regulations and site requirements.
起訖頁 93-104
關鍵詞 精算式概算式內傾式月台淨空precision calculationrough estimationinward tilting typeplatform clearance
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 201406 (29:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-下一篇 結合Web GIS展示技術與ANFIS模式之雨水下水道水位預警系統




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