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A Rapid Method of Setting Inlet/Outlet Interferences for Sheet Metal Roll Straighteners
作者 羅斯維李孟憲
滾輪矯直機的滾輪位置變化會影響板材的矯直程度,因此調整入/出口端的滾輪干涉量是板材矯直的關鍵。本研究提出的干涉量設定流程,將實驗數據導入二次函數,計算出入/出口干涉量。相較於傳統以經驗方式、試誤法或者數值分析預測干涉量,此方法能有效率地調整到適當的干涉量,以簡單的式子避開繁瑣的理論公式,相信更能被業界所接受。運用於不同板材與規格的矯直實驗後發現:SPCC板厚1 mm與Al-5052 板厚2 mm在矯直後,板材平坦度的確有達到規範標準,但在Al-5052 板厚0.5 mm 的矯直實驗,板材平坦度卻無法達到規範標準。由文獻資料得知,矯直機所能矯直的板材規格受到滾距、滾徑、滾輪數等參數的影響,本文並依此推導出機台矯直能力的上下限理論值,理論顯示0.5 mm之板材厚度已接近實驗機台工作範圍的極限。
The roller position of a straightening machine affects the finalstraightness of sheet metal. Adjusting the interferences between rollers atthe entrance as well as the exit is vital to the straightening process.Contrary to the conventional trial-and-error method, a rapid procedureusing the second order function to fit the experimental data is developed todetermine the inlet/exit roller interferences. This novel method isefficient and sufficiently accurate, without a complicated theorem andcalculation. It has been proven successful for the 1 mm thick SPCC steeland the 2 mm thick A5052 aluminum sheets. However, the result of theexperiment using the 0.5 mm aluminum sheet does not fulfill therequirement after straightening. Therefore in this paper, the theoreticallimitations of the sheet thickness have also been derived based on both thegeometric parameters and the material properties. From the theorem, wealready showed that the 0.5 mm workpiece is close to the limitation of thecapability of the present rig.
起訖頁 65-71
關鍵詞 滾輪矯直滾輪干涉量板金成形roll straighteningroll interferencesheet metal forming
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 201206 (27:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 植入PC樁於砂土層之底承力分析模式改良
該期刊-下一篇 多晶片COB封裝之高功率LED的散熱分析




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