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Design and Development of a Robot Head with Facial Emotion Expression
作者 任復華戴任詔梁達鴻何玟璟
近年來服務型機器人已漸漸走進人群、社會與家庭中,人與機器人之互動成為重要的研究議題之一,本研究將發展具有與人類一樣可表現臉部表情的機器人頭,所發展之機器人頭,可表達快樂、悲傷、生氣、厭惡、恐懼、驚訝6種基本表情與3 種自訂之表情,機器人頭部主要由臉部控制機構、臉皮支撐架、臉皮與控制系統四個部分所組成,機器人頭臉部控制機構共有16 個自由度,為提升維修效率,採模組化設計,各模組可獨立安裝測試,包含眉毛模組、眼睛模組、嘴部模組及頸部模組,各模組均利用伺服機來控制臉部動作,感測器部分,可透過觸動開關與語音功能與人達成互動,眼珠內可安裝 CMOS 影像感測器,以獲取影像資訊。機器人臉皮部分,採用矽膠材料以公母模壓鑄成型,並經由兩個實驗得到材料受力與應變的線性關係,有助於臉皮之設計與伺服機之選用,發展新的控制點以控制臉皮,臉皮安裝於臉皮支撐架,臉皮支撐架係利用逆向工程及快速原型技術開發。控制系統部份,使用Qwerk RobotController 控制伺服機,利用JAVA語法撰寫程式,達到控制機器人臉部表情之目的。進而增進與人類互動上的真實性與趣味性。
Human-machine interaction has become an important issue for robotapplications. In this paper, we design a robot head which can show ninefacial expressions: surprise, fear, sadness, disgust, happiness, anger, andthree cute facial expressions. The robot head consists of a face controlmechanism, a face skin supporter, face skin and a control system.Modulization was adopted to design the mechanism to speed developmentand allow for fast maintenance. An eyebrow module, an eye module, amouth module and a neck module were developed for generating facial expressions.Each module can be easily disassembled and tested independently.Sixteen RC-servos are used to control all mechanisms. Reverseengineering and rapid prototyping were employed to design and develop the robot face skin supporter. The face skin is made of Silicone Gel-10and shaped by mold. Two experiments have been made using SiliconeGel-10 and a linear relationship between strain and force has been obtained.The result helped in designing the face skin and selecting RC-servos forbetter performance. Specially-designed control points were developed tocontrol the face skin. RC-servos activate the control points through plasticwires for facial expressions. The Qwerk Robot controller is used tocontrol RC-servos for human-machine interaction by JAVA script.
起訖頁 27-38
關鍵詞 機器人頭部臉皮控制點快速原型技術robot headface skincontrol pointrapid prototyping
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 201103 (26:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 完全自償BOT專案融資案銀行團與特許公司最佳出資比例的範圍之研究
該期刊-下一篇 幾何因素對液體平軸封Lomakin效應和動態係數之影響




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