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Study of the Regulations of Motorcycle Headlamp System
作者 蕭耀榮鄭文欽
機車為國人廣為使用的交通工具,由統計數字中發現機車傷亡比例高達88%,為汽車之3倍以上,且約70%死亡事故發生在夜晚,重大車禍中約有60%發生在照明不佳的轉彎處,因此改善機車頭燈照明,為減少機車意外之有效工作。然而機車頭燈照明之改善,須有完善之機車頭燈照明法規做為基礎。就機車頭燈照明法規項目的要求和先進國家比較,我國法規規範確實有所不足。本研究首先探討國際機車頭燈研發趨勢,接著比較各先進國家與機車頭燈照明相關的車輛安全審驗制度,再來分析歐洲、美國及國內現行機車頭燈照明法規之差異性,最後對將新增的適應性頭燈及晝駕燈光系統等法規項目作探討。由研究中發現歐盟ECE 法規將會成為全球國家車輛法規調和之共同目標,AFS(Adaptive Frontlight System) 是未來機車標準配備,機車頭燈光源將朝向LED發展以及晝駕燈光系統可有效減少交通意外事故。
The motorcycle is a widely used but unsafe transportation vehicle inTaiwan. Some statistical data shows that motorcycle casualties accountfor 88% of all motor accident victims, more than three times as manyaccident victims as from cars. Among all vehicle accidents in Taiwan,70% of fatal casualties have occurred at night, and 60% of them occurredon poorly-illuminated roads. Therefore, an effective way to reducemotorcycle accidents is to improve motorcycle headlamp systems. But,this improvement greatly depends on the proper motorcycle headlampregulations. Compared with motorcycle headlamp regulations in otherdeveloped countries, the motorcycle headlamp regulations in Taiwan arenot good enough to promote driving safety for motorcycles. This paperinvestigates the development trends for international motorcycle headlampsystems. Then we compare the vehicle safety examining systems for some major countries. We also analyze the differences of motorcycleheadlamp regulations among the European Union, the USA and Taiwan.Finally, there is a discussion about AFS and DRL systems. This paperconcludes that ECE Regulations will become the major global referenceregulation for vehicles, AFS and LED will become basic equipment formotorcycles, and DRL systems will prevent motorcycle casualtyeffectively.
起訖頁 141-149
關鍵詞 機車頭燈適應性頭燈晝駕燈光系統motorcycle headlampadaptive frontlight systemdaytime running light
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 201006 (25:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 碳材披覆於矽/石墨/氮化鋁複合物之鋰離子電池負極材料性能研究
該期刊-下一篇 即時動態車牌辨識




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