中文摘要 |
近年來台灣國道鋪面工程為達成服務績效,針對台灣特殊的地理環境、氣候因素與交通運輸特性的適宜性,評估引進歐美實施多年排水性瀝青混凝土,俾提升鋪面工程耐久性及生命週期,以提高行車安全及路面遇雨能迅速排水、防滑等功能。鑒於國道第三代鋪面面層新材料 (如多孔隙瀝青混凝土排水鋪面技術) 大量應用於國道六號工程。本文以第三代多孔隙瀝青混凝土稱為 (PorousAsphalt Concrete, PAC 或PA) 取代傳統開放級配 (Open-Graded Asphalt,OG 或OGAC) 為主要考量,以整理適宜因子為評估要素,輔以因素分析(Factor Analysis Method) 配合問卷調查法,擷取之相關影響因素以及排水類型之相關因子,透過分析網路層級法 (Analytic Network Process, ANP) 進行構面及各因子間之權重值分析,獲取具代表性之構面及因子架構。並經實際案例印證本研究建立之瀝青混凝土鋪面面層材料評估模式,可提供國道鋪面工程排水面層之合宜的評比決策模式,以PAC 與OG 為例,評選出適合國道瀝青混凝土鋪面面層材料,應用於國道工程運輸價值客觀環境下最佳優先順序的方案。經研究實證結果,發現PAC 的績效評量優於OG,較適合使用在國道上,與目前實務相符,故證明此一模式之正確性與實用性。 |
英文摘要 |
In recent years, the national highway system in Taiwan has tried toadvance its service performance based on adaptation to the geographicaland climatical environment in the Taiwan area. To do so, porous asphaltconcrete has been introduced into Taiwan. This material has been usedfor years, in other places, in order to make pavement construction durableand extend the life cycles of highways and to improve safety in driving,rapid drainage and skid-proofing of paving. Since a new paving material, porous asphalt concrete, has been applied in the construction of NationalHighway No. 6 in Nantou, porous asphalt concrete (also called PAC or PA)has been used to take the place of traditional open-graded asphalt concrete(called OG or OGAC). The study collects proper influence factors forconsideration with the Factor Analysis Method and the questionnaire surveymethod, and verifies the relevant factors obtained from this researchand the drainage-type relevant factors in an attempt to obtain the weightand influences of factors. Also, through the Analytic Network Process(ANP), the weight values of dimensions and factors were discovered.Furthermore, the weight values of interactions between PAC and OG areconsidered to select out the appropriate better material for asphalt concretepavement to cover the nation’s highways. The research found that the totalweight value of PAC is higher than the total weight value of OG. Thus,it can be seen that PAC has been recognized by most experts and is moreappropriately used on the highways which may prove the accuracy of theperformance evaluation model. With the establishment of the performanceevaluation model for asphalt concrete pavement, this research canprovide the national highways construction service with a useful decisionmaking model for evaluation. |