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A Study of Dynamic Simulation Analysis of Full-span Pre-cast Launching Method Production Process using Taiwan High Speed Rail Project as a Case Study
作者 潘乃欣邱宗志陳奎言
全跨預鑄吊裝工法(Full-span Pre-cast and Launching Method簡稱FPLM)在台灣高鐵橋梁工程雖非首次引近,卻是國內首次大量採用的新橋梁工法,由於箱型梁在預鑄場內採用預鑄方式生產完成,再結合運梁機具(Carrier)及自走式吊梁機(Launching Gantry),以完成之橋面作為運輸道路,逐跨完成吊裝,其生產與運輸吊裝間的相互間動態關係會影響其專案完成之績效。本研究擬以高鐵工程使用FPLM工法之五大標段為案例,就預鑄場(Pre-cast Yard)之設備、人力、施工順序、運輸速率及吊裝設備,以動態模擬軟體,建構出階層式(Hierarchical)供應鏈系統模型,及建立各個作業項目與資源間的從屬關係,透過動態模擬生產、運輸與吊裝,以比較並檢討各標段之生產力狀況、藉由鍵因素的敏感性分析找出影響進度之關鍵因素,以利日後類似工程規劃之參考。
Full-span Pre-cast Launching Method (FPLM) is an excellent bridge construction technology which has been implemented in many sections of Taiwan's High Speed Rail (HSR) Project. Our research used the concepts of Dynamic Simulation (DS), Object-Orientation and a DS software named ”SIMPROCESS”, to establish a hierarchical flow model taking five sections of Taiwan's High Speed Rail Project which implemented FPLM as case studies. Our study compared input (equipment, and man power) and output (capacity) where the FPLM was used. Also, the paper compared the productivity among five sections, pointing out the critical factors in the production process of FPLM which influence the performance of the project execution by using sensitivity analysis, and presented better resource combinations for those cases which could be useful for reference for similar projects in the future.
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 全跨預鑄吊裝動態模擬階層式模型Full-span Pre-cast Launching MethodDynamic SimulationHierarchicalModel
刊名 技術學刊  
期數 200703 (22:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣科技大學
該期刊-下一篇 應用於混凝土配比目標需求強度公式之統計方法探討




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