英文摘要 |
We propose a Cerebellar Model Arithmetic Computer (CMAC) neuralnetwork for character recognition with an FPGA architecture. The CMAChas many advantages in terms of speed of operation based on LMS training.Its ability realizes arbitrary nonlinear mapping and fast practical hardwareimplementation. The CMAC, being a learning algorithm, can rapidly obtainoutput using nonlinear mapping with look-up table memory to replace thecomplex learning process using mathematical functions. This paperpresents CMAC hardware (Xilinx Spartan II XC2S200-5PQ208 40MHz)that is about 35 times faster than conventional software executed on aconventional processor (PC Pentium IV 1.5 GHz). In the experimentalresults, the proposed CMAC hardware has shown that it can clearlydistinguish 94 characters of 8×8 pixel size with some noise in the testpatterns. |