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A Study of the Douglas Lapraik & Co. display strategy and audience communication
作者 廖康吾黃嘉菱黃鈺惠
Different from ordinary museums, Tamsui Historical Museum uses a historical building as its exhibition venue. In addition to exhibit regular items, the museum is different from other museums in that the architecture is an exhibit per se, which is the main attraction, but also the major limitation and challenge. Numerous aspects about the design of the exhibition have definitive influences on how audiences receive the exhibition, including topics, routes, display techniques, interactive technology. The present article discuss the case of “Tamsui Douglas Lapraik & Co. Exhibition,” hosted by Tamsui Historical Museum in 2013, in an attempt to shed light on the challenges and communication efficiency of using cultural space as exhibition venue. In addition to discussing strategies, display techniques, and route design, audience satisfaction survey is also conducted with a view to understanding audiences' needs and audiences' efficiency on receiving the messages that the exhibition tries to deliver. Besides, through other relevant case analyses conducted in England, Netherland, etc., as well as the results of all kinds of promotion activities that Tamsui Historical Museum has been devoted to since 2008, we discuss the possibility and efficiency of incorporating situation, sensational experience, and the element of “people” into exhibition commentary. One of the core missions of museums is to promote education, and exhibition is the bridge in the communication between the museum and audience. This article tries to discuss the display strategy and audiences communication efficiency of using cultural space as exhibition venue, as well as how to reach a balance in audiences' needs and expectation, history and information delivery, and venue limitation. We aim to consider the possibility of incorporating multiple display techniques in the exhibition and the communication approaches that can be received effectively.
起訖頁 47-65
關鍵詞 文化資產展示設計博物館古蹟劇場觀眾溝通Cultural heritageExhibition DesignMuseumHistorical Site Theatre SeriesAudience communication
刊名 科技博物  
期數 201612 (20:4期)
出版單位 國立科學工藝博物館
該期刊-上一篇 初探與分析博物館導覽App的黏著度
該期刊-下一篇 探究前置性評量在博物館教育活動的應用




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