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Dialogue between Technology and Humanities --- The Humanistic Exhibits in the Science and Technology Museum
作者 張崇山
隨著科技的發展,人們生活型態、價值觀的轉變,博物館的社會教育責任也逐漸的加重。博物館有傳遞知識和教化人心的功能,而博物館的展示應具有教育性,也是許多博物館學者專家不爭的共識。雖然,博物館各依其類型有不同的教育功能,但其終極目標均是在追求人生的真善美。藝術類的博物館展示主要在傳達創作的理念、情感和技巧,強調「美」的鑑賞;歷史類的博物館展示主要在闡釋文化的興衰、風俗和文物,強調「善」的尊重與瞭解;科學類的博物館展示則在介紹科技的原理、沿革、應用與影響,強調「真」的探索。然而,這三類博物館的展示果真如此界限分明,不相重疊?其實不然,它們僅是在內容比重、表現手法上有所不同,但它們應有適度的調和與平衡。在目前的科學博物館中,有許多所謂的「教育性展示」(Educational Exhibits),以教育效果來評估展示,但大多數的展示似乎僅著重在知識上的取得,亦即智育方面的學習,而忽略了德育、體育、群育、美育的平衡學習。從教學原理的觀點來看,教育目標有認知、情意與技能三類,訴求重點分別在知識、態度與技巧三方面。科學博物館的展示中有知識的教學,有技能的訓練,而有關情意的展示有幾?另一方面,科技教育與人文教育一直有隔離與脫節的現象。我們愈來愈清楚科技並非人類唯一有價值的經驗,科學有其有限性,人類需要有更多人文的省思來平衡這一日漸失序的世界。而科學博物館能在這方面作一些努力,以「人文化展示」(Humanistic Exhibits)啟發多元化的思考,彌補科技教育之不足。人文化的展示以文學、哲學、史學、美學等的形式呈現主題內容,引導觀眾多元化思考,而不對問題提供對或錯的答案。人文化的展示對科技發展與社會潮流提出批判或辯護,消除個人的成見和獨斷的態度。人文化的展示搭起科技與人文的橋樑,提供觀眾文學的聯想、哲學的省思與美學的經驗,讓觀眾有一個豐富的知性與感性之旅。長久以來,人文的內容多出現在藝術類或歷史類的博物館中,人文與科技兩個文化也似乎互有衝突,漸行愈遠。在文化偏食的潮流中,我們可以更用心努力,讓科學博物館的展示更好。人文化的展示不應只出現在藝術類或歷史類的博物館中,科學博物館的展示也可以呈現人文關懷,給觀眾一個人文想像的空間。人文不應只是理想,它可以落實於科學展示中,與科技互動。
The museum's social responsibility has become more and more significant in the past decades. Many scholars and specialists have realized that the exhibits in the museum should be educational. Although each museum represents different educational functions, ultimately, what we would like to pursue is the perfect state of our lives. The exhibits of the art museum emphasize the appreciation of the beauty, the exhibits of the historical museum stress the understanding of the goodness, and the exhibits of the science and technology museum deliver the exploration of the truth. However, we may wonder if their exhibits indeed have such a clear boundary between each other? Perhaps, the concentration and appearance of each museum makes the difference, on the other side, there must be proper balance and harmony. In the existing science museums, there are many so-called 'Educational Exhibits'. The performance of each exhibit is evaluated from the point of education. Most of the exhibits focus on providing knowledge only, however, other areas of learning such as ethical, physical and esthetic as well as social life apparently are ignored. We are aware that the goals of education are cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The requirements are therefore based on knowledge, attitude and skill. There are many exhibits for knowledge teaching as well as skill training in a science and technology museum. But, there are few exhibits for attitude teaching. On the other hand, we must admit that technology education and humanity education are diverging. We are beginning to realize that science and technology are not the only valuable experiences for man. We need to seek a balance from humanistic aware­ness as order is being lost in the world. Efforts could be made in the science and technology museum to motivate plural thinking by 'Humanistic Exhib­its' to compensate the insufficiency of technology education. Humanistic Exhibits are presented by way of literature, philosophy, history and fine arts. The exhibits invite visitors to explore from different views instead of finding an answer that is either right or wrong. Humanistic Exhibits reflect the development of science and technology and the tendencies of our society. They eliminate prejudice and arbitrary attitude. Humanistic Exhibits are the bridge of communication between technology and humanities. They offer visitors a sensational experience from philosophy and esthetics through a tour of knowledge and inspiration. For a long time, Humanistic Exhibits have mostly appeared in the art or historical museum. It seems that there are conflicts between humanities and technology. More efforts need to be made to improve the exhibits in the science and technology museum. Therefore, Humanistic Exhibits should be present not only in the art or historical museum, but also in the science and technology museum. Visitors will be given some space to explore the humanistic image. Humanities should not be just an ideal in the science and technology museum, it can really practice and interact with science and technology.
起訖頁 35-50
刊名 科技博物  
期數 199805 (2:3期)
出版單位 國立科學工藝博物館
該期刊-上一篇 世界科學中心網路——ASPAC的全球地位
該期刊-下一篇 一種科技的想像,國立科學工藝博物館中交談互動式機器人的溝通意涵與潛在發展




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