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Morphing the Company Web-Site to Increase the Attraction: The Influence of Congruencies Between Job Seeker and Organization on the Intention of the Job Seeker
作者 林家五林淑娟吳佳燕胡宛仙
Online recruiting has become the new trend for recruitment. According to research, the use of online recruiting can save up to 20~30% of an organization's expenses. This study is conducted to determine the effects of an organization's website on online recruiting. In this study, we focused on an organization's websites and examined the recruiting process, the effect of congruence between job seeker and an organization's image, the congruence between the job seeker's cognitive style and an organization's website information on organizational attraction and intention to pursue. By using a field experiment which conducts the random assignment of the recruitment website of four enterprises, a total of 83 undergraduates and masters graduates were recruited. Each participant was required to visit the websites of four enterprises. A total of 72 participants finished the experiment and 288 pieces of data were obtained. In our findings, there is a clear significance between the effects of image on organizational attraction and intention to pursue. However, the effect between cognitive style on organizational attraction and intention to pursue is not significant. As a result, we conclude that the organization can increase the job seekers' preferences by morphing its image to increase the attractiveness of the organization.
起訖頁 363-394
關鍵詞 形象認知風格組織吸引力求職意願imagecognitive styleorganizational attractionintention to pursue
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201709 (15:3期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 顧客關係管理之知識結構
該期刊-下一篇 響應式網站設計成熟期間之轉換障礙影響--事前實證與事後回顧




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