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The Transformation of Mobilization: The Rectification of Leftist Tendencies in the Taihang Base Area
作者 王龍飛
Mobilization constituted an important part of the Chinese Communist Party's revolutionary discourse as well as practice. During the course of the revolution, the CCP continuously modified its means as well as its interpretation of mobilization. A conundrum faced by the CCP in mobilization was that it was either entirely unsuccessful, or exhibited extreme leftist tendencies. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, owing to the unique internal and external conditions of the Taihang Base Area, extreme leftist tendencies grew dramatically for a time, causing serious harm to the Base Area itself and compelling the CCP leadership to adopt drastic measures to curb these tendencies. Alternating between “moving leftwards” and “rectification of the left,” the interpretation of “the left” by the CCP leadership underwent significant change. The CCP leadership generally felt that “moving leftwards” was harmless, even necessary, because it was confident in its ability to control mass movements. From its treatment of “the left,” the CCP concluded that the party ought to differentiate between the leftist actions of the masses and the leftist tendencies of its own leadership, and that the former was harmless while the latter had to be guarded against. Judging from the trajectory of the subsequent history, this interpretation and judgment of “the left” as well as the conundrum of mobilization did not end with the War of Resistance, but kept reappearing long after the war was over.
起訖頁 47-78
關鍵詞 群眾動員糾「左」太行根據地黎城會議mobilization of the massesrectification of leftist tendenciesTaihang Base AreaLicheng Conference
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201803 (99期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 耶穌是孝子嗎?明末到民初漢語基督宗教文獻中論孝的變化
該期刊-下一篇 思想史與近代史研究:英語世界的若干新趨勢




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