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A proposed solution for Hotel Risk Management and Assessment
作者 吳仁明
In order to improve the safety of domestic tourism environment and promote the development of domestic hotels, this study conducts the risk management study on the risks that domestic hotels encountered and consideration. Risk factors are included in lobby, rooms, public areas and VIP, facilities & services, contain 4 main items and 19 different types. By expert Borda count method, super matrix calculation, derive the weight of hotel risk factor. In addition, this study establishes a hotel risk matrix based on the frequency and severity of occurrences, and establishes a risk assessment benchmark. Take four different hotel types as an example in Taiwan. According to the weight and risk matrix to gain the risk value, risk classification. For users, will be able to quickly select a safe hotel; for the business, will be improving for service quality by evaluation; for the government official, it can provide the establishment of hotel risk assessment system, the implementation of risk prediction, risk control as reference.
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 旅館風險管理風險評估hotelrisk managementrisk assessment
刊名 東亞論壇  
期數 201709 (497期)
出版單位 大華科技大學商務與觀光管理學院
該期刊-下一篇 逃稅人將所得轉移至海外的經濟效果分析




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