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From the case of ASE publicly took over SPIL’s stock to Study the legality of SPIL reversed a hostile takeover strategy-- Based on a comparison of the Law of Taiwan and the United States
作者 唐順明
In August (2015), ASE publicly took over SPIL’s stock, while SPIL reversed a hostile takeover strategy in response. First SPIL adopt convertible strategies with Hon Hai as a business alliance partner. Unfortunately, because extraordinary SPIL companies didn’t pass the convertible strategy, alliance policy failed. Then again SPIL applied a private placement by planning to introduce China Tsinghua Unisplendour Group to become the largest shareholder of the company, but such a private policy is bound to face the government’s rigorous censorship. IN the meanwhile, ASE operated a second time a public takeover of SPIL’s stock. By doing so, ASE try to control one hundred percent stake in SPIL final. SPIL’s anti-hostile takeover strategy seems to be no way. In foreign law norms, taking American’s anti-hostile takeover law is more comprehensive, but Taiwan’s anti hostile acquisition strategy lacks proper law. Based on a comparison of the Law of Taiwan and the United States, this article tried to study the appropriate anti-hostile takeover strategy legality. We hope to find out a feasible solution project.
起訖頁 90-122
關鍵詞 日月光矽品紫光集團公開收購敵意併購換股策略私募策略適法性ASE (Advanced Semiconductor Engineering,Inc.)SPIL (Siliconware Precision Industries Co., Ltd.)Tsinghua Unigrouppublic tenderofferhostile takeoverConvertible strategiesprivate placementappropriate legality
刊名 真理財經法學  
期數 201703 (18期)
出版單位 真理大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 企業併購中內線交易法律規範檢討
該期刊-下一篇 以訴訟標的金額或價額徵收裁判費之研究




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