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Manga and the Rising of Mass Society from Edo Period
作者 陳仲偉
The paper starts from analysis the transformation in everyday life with the formation of mass society and culture in Japan in Edo period, and argues what kind of social foundation that Manga as the syomin bunka in Japan from 17th century to 19th middle. It will analyze the terms and restriction of Manga in entering human's life. It finds that based on consumption society, emergence of syokunin and cyounin in Edo period for the first time of Japan, Manga and ukiyo-e connect with each other and turn into a kind of be-loved reading materials. The paper stresses the foundation on developments on Manga is not creature or text characteristics, but needs in people; the key is not only on Manga style, but also reading. So, the paper claims We need to be based on needs of people and reading habits, knowing the ways of representation and dialogue in Manga in the society, and we can launch the horizon of popular culture in Japan.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 漫畫庶民文化江戶時代MangaSyomin BunkaEdo Period
刊名 庶民文化研究  
期數 201303 (7期)
出版單位 逢甲大學人文社會學院庶民文化研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 彰化儒學,為高九仞--彰化孔廟文物調查與研究




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