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鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

An Exploration of Philosophy of Education in Li Ji
作者 陳章錫
This paper explores the chapters of the Book of Rites (Li Ji) relating to philosophy of education, instructional systems and theories. In this paper, the content of philosophy of education is sorted into four dimensions, including “why to teach?”, “what to teach?”, “who teaches?” and “how to teach?” First, referring to the question of “why to teach”, “the Book of Rites” demonstrates that the core objective of education is to cultivate students to have virtuous personality and its philosophy of education focus on regulating our sentiment (qin) according to our humanity (hsing), as are discussed in its chapters such as “the Great Learning” (“Da Xue”), “the Doctrine of Mean”(“Zhong Yong”), “the Conveyance of Rites” (“Li Yun”) and “the Record of Music” (“Yue Ji”). For instance, in “the Great Learning”, “to be inwardly a sage and outwardly a king” is regarded as an ideal of education. In “the Doctrine of Mean”, the essence of education is to cultivate our human nature to fit the Mandate of Heaven (Tien Ming). “The Conveyance of Rites” tell us how to regulate our sentiment according to the Way of Heaven (Tien Dao) through life rituals and cultural education, and “the Record of Music” tell us how to purify our mind and transform our custom through musical education. Secondly, referring to the questions of “who teaches” and “how to teach”, some chapters in “the Book of Rites” such as “Royal Regulations” (“Wang Zhi”), “King Wen as Son and Heir”(“Wen Wang Shi Zi”), “the Pattern of the Family”(“Nei Ze”) and “Summary of the Rules of Propriety” (“Qu Li”) explore the instructional system and contents, in which “Royal Regulations” proposes a national education plan, and the other three chapters examine the instructional contents which aim at educating the people and transform the custom when a state is established. Lastly, referring to the question of “how to teach”, the chapter “On Education” explores the instructional principles and evaluation methods, including the evaluation of teachers, learners and learning effectiveness.
起訖頁 71-115
關鍵詞 禮記教育哲學性情之教大學中庸禮運樂記王制文王世子內則曲禮學記the Book of Rites (Li Ji)philosophy of educationteaching of sentiment and humanity“the Great Learning” (“Da Xue”)“the Doctrine of Mean” (“Zhong Yong”)“the Conveyance of Rites” (“Li Yun”)“the Record of Music” (“Yue Ji”)“Royal Regulations”(“Wang Zhi”)“King Wen as Son and Heir” (“Wen Wang Shi Zi”)“the Pattern of the Family”(“Nei Ze”) and “Summary of the Rules of Propriety” (“Qu Li”)“On Education” (“Xue Ji”)
刊名 鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究  
期數 201306 (50期)
出版單位 鵝湖月刊社
該期刊-上一篇 憨山德清論莊子的道、真宰與成心
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